Official Artist
Mark Allen
Director , Screenwriter , Composer
542,311 views| 255  Posts

A Favor

In the next couple days I will finally be posting some of my video work.  As I've mentioned before, a lot of my work is NDA which means I can't show it for a period of time. 

A while back I showed to fans only "FALLEN" and now I can put it up for the public.  So, I'm using this to start my youtube account.  When I post this, if you like it, it would help a great deal if you actually went to youtube and commented and rated it.  It would also help if you sent the link along to friends (at alive or elsewhere) who might find the video interesting.  The more people who watch it in the same day - the more likely it is to gather more viewers and maybe get on the map enough to get featured... which would be my ultimate goal.

So, you could help!

I could have asked for this when posting the video itself, but I figured I'd make this request private and with some advance notice.

I will also be uploading other videos from the past one by one (finally) and a few more recent ones which are not NDA.

Thanks in advance!  :)

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 33427
Will check it out mate for sure. Just a note, the video & audio encoding quality of MySpaceTV is consdierably better than YouTube, so give that a shot.
over 16 years ago


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April 13, 2007