Mark Allen
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Charts Set To Music

My friend Dominik shared this link with me and I had to share it here...  ...I just like when things are taken out of one context and put into another for a new perspective... and setting it all to songsmith songs that horrendous Microsoft "composition" application just makes it all perfect.

I write my perception of this below... but first, the show:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-BZfFakpzc Okay - and now for my spin on this:

It's interesting to note that Stock charts are the perfect chaotic system because there are so many influences.  However, the one driving force that all successful stock traders will agree on is that prices are driven by emotion.   Perhaps fundamentals will cary in the long run, but the day to day movements are mostly based on emotion - a battle between fear and optimism. 

Ironically - that play of emotion is the same thing classical composers are often using in their scores.  We tend to think of music in short phrases these days - but while tat tradition certainly existed since the beginning of modern music - there were definitely times when melodies had a different purpose rather than just to create a "hook" in people's minds - each line was intended to express a dilemma of emotion. 

We mostly hear this in film scores today - when they're not pop soundtracks.

So - for me it's interesting to see this conversion.  I hope you enjoyed it.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
interesting. the music tone just goes up and down according to the stock chart. Nice usage and dig at the materials.
接近 16 年 ago



Los Angeles, United States
April 13, 2007