I visited the anime expo, Los Angeles, this weekend.
As someone who creates and directs fantasy entertainment, I'm always curious as to who the audience is and what they are responding to.
cosplay and characters
Being someone who invents characters, I think the ultimate goal would be to create a character people connect with on some level so strongly with that they want to embody them.
By "connect" - I don't mean they necessary feel the character is themselves, but the character takes them into a realm of thought where they enjoy living for a while. It could be something they idealize as much as it could be something they fear. It could be also just be something that simply opens up their imagination.
I think often people worry about the affect certain characters and games have on "youth" - but they miss the point that you cannot always take a literal interpretation of interest in characters.
Just because someone is interested in a creature that kills people - doesn't mean "the kid" wants to kill people. It is simply that the character is opening up their imagination and that is a fun (perhaps cathartic) experience to have.
Identification and rituals
Beyond identifying with the character - the cosplayers are mostly identifying with each-other.
They are their own biggest fans.
Like any culture - there are rituals which identify them. Many of the cosplayers here do not know eachother, yet they know their roles and therefore how to interact with eachother.
A secret handshake among children is no different than knowing the appropriate fork to use for the salad among the elite. The little gestures and symbolic motions let us know that we're part of the pack.
The value of finding a place to belong is especially valuable for those who are not otherwise inclined to have one.
One of the greatest things about cosplayers is that many of these people are not the kind of people who would become celebrities.
But - when they wear the outfits, they are allowed to act as someone who is... and by shedding that acquired shame of self, the act becomes a reality - they are able to shine and the photographers flock. Watching someone discover their beauty is an enchanting thing.
photographs and memories
While the cosplayers are there to be seen and photo'd... you'll notice that I never asked anyone to pose - these are all stolen moments while they posed for others. Perhaps it's because I'm not as much of a snapshot photographer or documentarian as much as I am someone who arranges the scene... or, perhaps, it's my own shyness and uncertainty of belonging.