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Miley Cyrus Topless & Pedophilia

Some quick thoughts for discussion about a current issue.

I don't watch TV, so when I hear about a scandal, it's pretty far reaching.

I heard about the Miley Cyrus Topless Scandal that was associated with this photo:

I thought it was odd that Vanity Fair would print a topless photo of a 15 year old... but then I discovered... the topless photo is this photo.

So - the wild controversy about this has sparked too many thoughts in my head and I must list them.

1)  First of all, when did a girl wrapped in a sheet constitute a topless photo?  She has more material mass on her than a bikini and photos like that are everywhere.  The costume designer of the original Star Trek series actually once talked about how the TV rules were so strict when he was designing the shows, but the producers very much wanted sexy clothing, so he developed a method of just implying the clothing could, at any time, fall off.  So, no matter what was covered or not, it seemed that if something happened just right, the clothing would just go away.  Perhaps there is a bit of this at play in the photo... but considering she has both arms wrapped around her... doesn't seem like that sheet is moving anywhere.

2)  I am more worried about the people freaking out and calling this a pedophilia shot than the photographer.  You can't control what people think.  If someone looks at this and gets turned on.... they probably don't need much motivation.  If people think bananas are phallic, should we ban all bananas?  NO BANANAS!!!!!    Is it the banana or the person who perceives the banana as a shockingly phallic figure that is the problem?

3)  I think there is some exploitation happening here, but I don't think it has anything to do with the photographer.  I think either her Studio or Vanity Fair or so-called protection groups are exploiting this to either gain publicity or push their cause.  Maybe both are unspokenly working in consort.  Because, realistically - this is so tame to so many things we've seen.  What's the qeustion everyone is asking?  Will this affect "Miley's next big Studio movie deal?"  Well, let's add  "Will this affect Mile's next big movie deal that is coming out next summer at a theater near you, check showtimes in your local paper!?"   Yes - this is how marketing works. 

4)  Why do people like Miley cave to negative responses so quickly?  I didn't read the article, but as for the picture... just stand by your choice and don't let people manipulate you into a capitulation or apology.  You made the choice to do something, you did it.  Stand your ground.

So what do I think of the photo?  I like the coloring, I don't think it's terribly original or sincere or interesting... but I certainly don't find it controversial.

What do you think?  Do you think children would even give this photo a second thought if it weren't for parents freaking out about it?

EDIT:  Changed Cyris to Cyrus

over 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah its a bit overblown... not a particularly sexy photo at all.
over 16 years ago
Photo 55108
pretty sure Billy Ray approved it ...
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
Check the new music video for Justice "Stress" ... shows street kids beating people up and molesting women in the French underground (amongst other things). But at the core, it's a nothing-much song gaining promotion thru hype and controversy. Same deal here. Oldest trick in the book.
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
Incidentally - a bit tongue in cheek - a pretty successful musician friend of mine once said to me "if you wanna get famous, piss off the Christians"
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
I'm going to assume that you, Sorica7 don't have pent up pedaphilic feelings, so could you articulate more about why it's totally wrong? PPPIRJ, I ask the same of you if you're willing to discuss what you see in the picture. Everyone else - Different opinions are allowed, no one jump on anyone for anything they say to explain what they see.
over 16 years ago


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