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Mark Allen
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Significance of Harmony

Peter Sellars was a mentor of mine during college.  I found this clip of him talking about "Vocal Dialogue" which shows an insight into the way he thinks and the passion with which he would share ideas.  He flows fluently between literal, metaphorical, and emotional.

For the not totally English fluent, you'll need to know that "reciprocity" means "a mutual exchange." 

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dsPQBwfsHg&feature=related

about 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 22998
Just for clarification... Peter SellArs the opera director is not Peter SellErs the comedic actor. Both have their own unique genuis. Someone else was confused as well, so I figure I should point it out. Littlezj - you, as an actress, should definitely listen to the whole video. Peter's thoughts on acting is very strong and there is a sliver in this clip. He used to recommend the book "I and thou" as the only acting book he'd recommend. He is very much focused on the relationship between actors vs. one person's performance.
about 17 years ago
Great video! Couldn't agree more with the the importance of harmony with dialogue. Good acting is always not about the words, but how we actors communicate with one another, despite the words!
about 17 years ago


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