Official Artist
Mark Allen
Director , Screenwriter , Composer
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The Thing You Know

Okay - this is an "audience participation" blog....  you can even turn it into your own blog if you like (but please share it here as well)/.. but what I'd like to ask of anyone who is so inclined is to comment here (and blog yourself if you like) about this:

What is the thing you know?

Meaning - at this point in your life... what is one piece of wisdom that you find to be true.  In order to unify the responses a bit, I'll set some guidelines.

1)  Ideally it's something you've discovered yourself through an experience though you don't need to share the experience.

2)  Ideally it would relate to something that you actually have a lot of experience in - your career, your life conditions, your eductation... whatever it is you have been exposed to that has given you some insight.

3)  It is not a judgement against anyone.

4)  It's practical... meaning it's something someone can do and not something someone can be hopeful for or gamble for.

It could be the "if I had to play that moment again, I would have done x differently" type of thing or it could be a "this really worked for me" type of thing.

It does not have to be long - keep it a short as possible actually.

Okay - lets see what kind of comments we get!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 45002
no regrets about choices or life, I'm a very positive person. the more you regret, the sadder you get. and about life well: "the less you know, the more you know" could be applied here. I just follow it, and I don't ask myself any questions. :-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
- You can only rely on yourself. - The less you want the more you get. - Gossip destroys good character. - A cheap cigar will always taste like crap.
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
> It is actually possible > for men to think nothing. Nope. Speaking with first hand experience: More to do with the fact that men are thinking about something and when asked 'what are you thing?' answering 'nothing!' allows us to continue our train of thought and avoid the distraction of having to begin a discussion about it. Men are just clever at avoiding talking. Although I agree women do think too much. Worrying is not the same as planning, by the way :)
over 16 years ago


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