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Types of Nothing [Magibon conclusion]

This was inspired by a comment made by tinkerchel regarding the massive number of immitators on YouTube.

Seeing the end of the Magibon story now, I think back to the beginning of the story (when she first started posting videos and she was first discovered) and I think that a lot of that insecurity is actually what made her videos so interesting. 

She was hiding something, yet still putting herself out there... and that was interesting because it created a live dynamic.  A conflict.

On YouTube, most of the Magibon imitators who do nothing are truly doing nothing.  The immitators want to be seen and are showing themselves.  There is no conflict.    Magibon was overcoming fear... and that.... was an interesting moment to watch.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 22998
A side note: I find when directing actors sometimes, I try to put a conflict in the smallest moment. For example, sometimes instead of an actor crying - having them trying not to cry is going to be a lot more interesting because they are in conflict in that moment.
over 16 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Thanks for posting the Magibon vids. I've been following the Magibon phenomenon for a awhile and have even made a parody myself with my gf. For me though I never found her videos interesting and the conflict that you speak of not all that strong. If it had been a dude with a ton of inner conflict I doubt very much he would have received millions of hits and neither would a girl if she were ugly. However, now having seen the videos of her on gyao I have to admit she is infinitely more interesting. Now I see the insecurity, her personality, the humanity. What a joy it is to see someone's dream come true before them. Seeing her react to her idol was priceless! This is the type of genuine moment great actors and artists strive for instead of that contrived Hollywood emotion. Although some of the mystery may be lost now for some of her fans, to me, there are now more questions than ever. I find her story intriguing. I want to know more. And as the heroine in a story I want her to succeed. I hope she gets to stay in Japan and live out all her dreams. But the question still stands. What makes her tick? Why is she such a Japanophile? What was her upbringing like? What is she hiding from? Can she overcome the obstacles in her way? What's next for her? I doubt this is the last chapter...
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
Jason - if you're interested in seeing her more as herself, here is a link for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjkw0VFwRjQ And, definitely, there is a lot of interest in the reality here. Early on there is just a beautifully human moment when she says "that's hard to believe." While there might be questions that make her interesting (or more interesting) now... she has for me left the realm of fiction and entered the realm of documentary / reality / news - and that for me means the conclusion of the story. The chances of another fictional adventure to come out of this are minute. I don't disrespect documentary, but I don't find the mechanics as intricate. That is to say - think it's much harder to create humanity in fiction than in documentary/reality/news; but when you can, it's the difference between a poem and a statement.
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
-_- Sorica7...... (if that is your real name...) I think you're just feeling jealous. It's okay, you can just come out and say it. (The next artist I brought onto AnD (status pending), by the way I'm afraid is going to ruin your little theory.)
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
yenan - I mispelled imitator. An "imitator" is someone who copies what someone else does. An "imitation" is something which is a copy of something someone else did. For this blog, there isn't an associated video, but I did post a link in the comments below. Thanks for reading the blog!
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
Said by the girl whose avatar is a picture of her lying back seductively on a bed. :P
over 16 years ago


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