Grace Su
演员, 剪接师, 製片人
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MANIVORE – Episode 2 – “Cooking is Happy”

Is now up! Bon Apetit!

Mucho props to the Arowana Films guys for making this happen while I was in Asia! And major thanks to C.S. Lee, Dennis Thomas, Emily Shen, Esna Yoon, and Lara Cho for being a part of this! Finally, don’tcha LOVE the music? It’s all Jonathan Wandag’s genius: WorldofWandag.com. Stay tuned for more… EatAMan.com.

15 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Great stuff. Crazy as heck haha but great. ^_^
15 年多 ago
Photo 40915
hey annie. you know what i think? i think your mind is so much darker than mine..
15 年多 ago
Photo 30783
DEXTER - ish! Great quality!
15 年多 ago
We may or may not be what we eat, but it does help define how we taste. Vegetarian animals taste much different than carnivorous ones (better, in my opinion). The texture of the meat, the smell, and of course the flavor are very different. It's why I would always tell people in the US that if there was dog in their Chinese food, they'd know. Human meat looks and tastes like pork. From what I've read...
15 年多 ago
Photo 71183
Hilarious! And I love CS Lee.
15 年多 ago


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May 2, 2007