Grace Su
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Restoration in Progress

For those that follow my blog, you might notice that it’s looking a bit different right now. I’ll probably be fiddling with it the next few days/weeks… but after wiping my site, re-installing WordPress, and a few hours of manually deleting code from a corrupted XML file, I THINK I may have restored my content to the way it was pre-hack. Well, I HOPE SO at least! In the meantime, YES, I AM ALIVE! Haha. It’s been awhile since I’ve really blogged, vlogged, or even been that active online. I guess I’m still kind of active on Twitter, but not as much as before. Funny how life happens and priorities change.

To give you an update, I’ve been in a place of transition and growth in the last few months. 2010 was a year of many choices and lessons learned. It started out with an adventure in Asia leading me to think I’d be moving there. Then when I returned to the States, I was conflicted because of what I’d already established in LA. Doors had opened up in Asia, but new doors opened up in LA as well. I decided to stay in LA. Then unexpected things happened and by the end of the year I felt like I was back where I started. In reality, I was in a very new and different place. I may have gone through a lot to end up back at square one, but I gained a lot of perspective. So I guess that’s why I’m writing this blog… I’m back where I started, but with a new attitude. Sure my site was hacked and I was forced to start all over, but I’m okay with that. Moving forward, I’d like to try to blog more often, but I’m not gonna promise anything like I have in the past (i.e. blogging daily or making more vlogs, etc.). I’m just gonna be doing what I’ve been doing… living life day by day and if that includes blogging from time to time, then alright, cool.

Life has been awesome, God has been faithful, and I’m excited for what’s in store for 2011 (I know, I’m a little late with the New Year’s sentiment!). So hello, world. Here I am again.

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Los Angeles, United States
May 2, 2007