I bummed I missed the alivenotdead reception in LA. I was knocked out with the flu. It would've been nice to meet some of the nice folks I've been corresponding with and some peeps I haven't seen for a long time. Some of the pieces I did for sony have been getting into other film festivals such as Athens, Greece Int., Beijing Int., Beverly Hills Fest, Hollywood First Glance, Texas Black Film Fest, San Diego Black Film fest just to name a few. waiting to hear on some more. It's been exciting but also draining at the same time. I've also been busy tightning up some scripts and treatments for meets. Gotta get a feature off the ground. There's just too many talented actors, writers, crew, stuntmen, etc I've known and worked with not to keep trying. I'm inspired by friends and peers doing the same thing. More to come...peace...
Ron Yuan 2012 Drama Show Reel