CHICCHAN - - The Serpent. Chicchan lives by instinct. Things always work out for this sun but it is not quite sure why. Chicchan like all other suns of the east initiates or births ideas or creation. Chicchan remembers and receives knowledge, and is ruled by the crown chakra. Chicchan is a water Sun that is strong willed, extremist, powerful and charismatic. It has a very penetrating almost harsh energy. Chicchan has strong emotions and feelings that affect others powerfully. Chicchan is ruled by the asteroid belt. This sun is always challenged to experience powerful transformations in a conscious way. Also on Chicchan days be kind to yourself, accept changes in your life as part of the learning process. On these days it is good to trust your instinctual hits. Truth and trust are good key words for the Serpent to remember.