Official Artist
Sarika Choy
MC / Show Host , Model
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I’m so proud of myself.... hahaha! This keto pancake is so yum!! Ketogenic diet can be so fun! People always ask if it’s difficult to cut sugar and carbs.... Yes ofcoz! At first it’s really difficult, specially for a sweet and carbs lover like me! But once u get used to it, and be creative with your meals, then it’s not difficult at all! Indeed, it’s so fun & it will make u feel good about yourself! It’s a lifestyle change! If you’re gonna do it, embrace and enjoy it!

ketodiet #ketofriendly #ketogenicdiet #ketopancakes #yummy #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #ketotransformation #ketorecipes #foodporn #foodburner #sforsarika #misss #cooking #cookingmissS #proudofmyself #lol #fit #proud

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