Official Artist
Sarika Choy
MC / Show Host , Model
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Speak English ?? Dress Italian ?? Kiss French ?? And spend like an Arab ??...? ??‍♀️??‍♀️

english #french #italian #arabian #kiss #dress #talk #walk #groove #moody #sforsarika #missS #picoftheday #??‍♀️ #lol #? #? #9up #uk #countryside

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I’m a sunshine girl ☀️? 我愛陽光??

sun #sunnyday #sunlight #light #bright #fun #clearskys #beautiful #warm #sunshine #girl #tanning #suntan #happytime #swim #poolside #bikini #calzadonia #shades #sundaysomewhere #kl #travel #travelmisss #ilovetravelling #travelaroundtheworld #traveladdict #traveholics #sforsarika #missS

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Miss S ? 烹飪堂 今次Miss S教大家整一個健康好味又可以消脂減肥嘅 Salad Dressing! 1分鐘搞掂!你地都試吓啦 !

missS #cookingmissS #sforsarika #summer #superfood #goodfood #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #salad #dressing #applecidervinegar #detox #weightloss #organic #extraviginoliveoil #organicherbs #organiclemon #cleansing #production #broughtoyouby #chessmanhk #chessmanmacau #teamwork #followme #tobehealthy

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Stop thinking....And just let things Happen ♥️

stopthinking #behappy #red #smile #♥️ #sforsarika #misss #happygirl #happymind #beauty #life #garden #thoughtsarepowerful #liveliketheresnotomorrow

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Starring @Chessman Post ? Miss S

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Be Happy! ? Smile more. Worry less. Don’t regret... learn and grow ? 笑口常開,小擔憂。 不要為過去而後悔。 學習、向前、成長✨

happinessissimple #happy #happytime #jump #lifeisbeautiful #loveissimple #alluneedislove #red #smile #happygirl #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #positivevibes #positivemind #blessed #sforsarika #missS

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

好耐無扮靚!大家覺得粉紅色襯我嗎? Haven’t dressed up for so long.... How’s pink on me?

pink #sweet #love #girly #babygirl #colour #pinklady #sforsarika #missS #curlyhair #happygirl #smilieface #sugar #shooting #newlook #happytime #lifeisbeautiful #❣️

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

多謝 King beauty group 邀請!?參加咗佢哋舉行嘅「肌膚細緻體驗活動」,知道自己肌膚問題,搵到最啱嘅保養方法,要Keep 住靚,就事半功倍喔!?✌? @kingbeautygroup

beauty #analysis #skincare #sforsarika #missS #love #pretty #treatment #kingbeautygroup #stayyoung #stayhealthy #貪靚


over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Give but don’t allow yourself to be used... Love but don’t allow your heart be abused... Trust but don’t be naive... Listen to others but don’t lose your own voice...

sforsarika #missS #love #give #trust #listen #loveyourself #loveisallaround #loveisallyouneed #true #toyourself #feel #loved #happy #smile #happygirl #always #followyourheart #?

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happiness is within ? Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn to dance in the rain... ✨

happynessiswithin #happy #happinessissimple #sforsarika #missS #positivevibes #positivequotes #positivethinking #happygirl #iamme #love #dowhatmakesyouhappy #evenitsevil #? #smile #hermes #puma #firehouse #uk #london

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
August 12, 2008