Official Artist
Spencer Douglass
Producer , Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Food Critic
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Race Wong x Kelvin Avon (Afreex) Album Project

So we started recording songs for Race's first ever independent album about 8 days ago and things are going amazingly well.  Renowned international music producer and my good friend Kelvin Avon (industry name Afreex) is working together with her on the album doing the production and co-writing the songs. One of the songs will even feature lyrics from one of the world's number 1 songwriters. The main work is being done at This Music Studio and is going extremely well. It is day 8 of writing and recording and they are currently working on their 3rd song. I can't say too much about the style at this point, but it is certainly different from anything else that has come out of HK in recent years. Race is greatly enjoying having the opportunity to co-write her songs and have creative input on their sound for the first time ever. Undoubtedly the release of her first solo album will also mean a chance for her to create her image in the way she's always wanted and one that better represents her. Well I better not say any more now, but I will be uploading pics and even videos soon, so keep your eyes on this page. Spen

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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