Fish Jaafar
Art Director , Painter , Street / Graffiti Artist
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My first script mural complemented by a beautiful, rare Mercedes-Benz 300SL front bumper. Finally tried my hands on sign painting typography by hand with minimal tracing aid. Unnerving at first but confidence got hold and let it flow free like a Japanese mountain tofu deliveryman late in the night. Really hope I could do this again flawlessly, so I could go around doing shit like this again with just black paint, brush and a pair of balls.

Cool fact: My handwriting is still shit, so practically anyone could do this with enough focus/determination

typography #signpainter #signpainting #300sl #script #mural

about 7 years ago 91 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Artist, Singaporean. 51% T-Rex, 49% Cocaine

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December 8, 2010