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It''s not easy being a girl. Society constantly reminds you how you're expected to look. If you've got a certain body shape that is not accepted in your culture, you will be met with criticisms and that lowers your confidence and self worth. If you're blessed with boobs and you wear v-necks, you'll be perceived as a slut. If you're flat chested, you'll also feel inadequate. If you're tanned, you will be told to stop suntanning so much. If you're pale, you might be told you look like a zombie. There is no winning. I've struggled, and am constantly battling to try and be comfortable in my own skin. This is me, I've got a round face, I am blessed with curves. I like to eat so I get rounder at times. I like V necks because I have a shorter neck. I love the feeling of being sunkissed. But that's me! There will always be critics. Remind yourself that you're enough, and you're beautiful the way you are. Work hard, and rock on! ??? 做女孩子不容易。社會不斷提醒你你的不足。你天生很瘦的話,可能有批評說營養不良。如果你比較橫的話,會給人說肥。如果你有胸,穿V領,你會被認為是賣弄性感。如果你平胸,你也會感到不足。曬黑了,總有人說你不好看,像黑人。你很白,有人說你看起來像殭屍。我也常常有這些壓力,也在不斷努力,嘗試有自信和健康地過每一天。總會有人評論的。每天都提醒自己,你已經足夠了。這就是我,臉胖胖的,天生比較橫,有肉地。我不喜歡穿高領衫因為我頸比較短。我其實很喜歡陽光在皮膚上的感覺,也比較喜歡黑黑的。這就是我。女孩子們,共勉之。 ??? #allpositivevibes #girlpower #strongisthenewsexy #fitness #motivation #quote #positive #inspiration #girls #strong #bali #travel #beyourself #strongwomen

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Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
March 27, 2013