Official Artist
Vicky Chan
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
651,674 views| 559  Posts

One of the best interviews I've done. Thanks for taking time and effort to understand me. So touched, from the bottom of my heart. ? 多謝 #香港01 的報導。謝謝 Tony. 其實每個演員都有自己背後的故事,謝謝你用心和時間了解我的。謝謝觀眾和粉絲的支持。三妹會繼續努力!(謝謝監製比機會我拍 #超時空男臣 )香港01 Check out the interview at: https://www.hk01.com/娛樂/109218/-超時空男臣-三妹陳偉琪終於唔駛性感-從良好感動-差啲喊出嚟

tvb #actress #hongkong #touched #style #toque

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2013