Official Artist
abraham boyd
Actor , Casting Director
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Dance Roping!!!!

Well its Thursday evening and I am still stuck in this bloody office writing reports instead of auditioning or reading new plays or networking. But I will soon head out to the studio to choreograph some new dance moves and a new thing called dance roping! Yep its not your typical jump roping exercise but a new form of art by combining dance and jumping! Actually back in the 80's double dutch jumping was creating back in the east coast along with strange buffalo gals and guys fashion faux pas. It all started for me many many decades ago when my older brother would jump rope in our family garage back in San Francisco, Ca. He had a rather unique style and added a funky tribal rythrm to it. Perhaps it goes back when he was born in Papua New Guinea, living amongst Head Hunters as neighbors, and listening every night to the jungle tribe music. Those roots have been inbedded in him since. Years or should I say decades go by and I'm at the local gym here in HK, and I curiously grab a jump rope before my workout, and practice jump roping. Three months later Im not only jump roping rather well but also creating some rather unique dance roping moves. Its been about two years now and every day I get inspired by new dance styles with the ropes! Ok sounds kinky but Id like to incorporate this into a production some day! So thats my project for now and still coming up with storyline and choreography and traveling to strange countries and cities to discover artists and dancers. Oh and yes this is my first blog ever!!!!! Kinda kewl!


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Abraham Boyd, is a native of San Francisco, California, USA. He is a trained stage and film actor. He was trained at the prestigious Jean Sheltons Actors Lab in

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Hong Kong
Member Since
June 22, 2010