Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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Acedemy 3


I just got back from filming a scene in Central's Lang Kwai Fong for  TVB's ,"Academy 3". I portrayed, Michael Tse's ex girlfriend who catches him with another woman. I'm wearing the old school police uniform. I am happily graced with the idea that I have now tried all types of police outfits and have photo's to prove it! yeah! I have always wanted to be a Cop since I was younger and always played cops and theives with my younger brother and cousins..but the funny things is, all of us always wanted to be the good guys so there were never any "robbers" in our childhood games. Tee hee. So I feel so lucky and happy to be able to actually portray another cop role in a new TVB drama.

Micheal is such an amazing actor, he had to play a "bad boy" character. In this particular scene, I had to have tears in my eyes, he started to have tears in his eyes to help get me into the right mood since I get teary whenever I get someone else get teary.  Your the best! Check out his funky fringe! 



接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  28 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
hot! :-D
接近 17 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Hate to see you cry... but show them that acting range. Let us know when the show will be on TV. Hope I can make it home to watch it.
接近 17 年 ago
wow ... cool !!! police !!!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 56939
How's going Aimee? Nice outfit!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23632
i am quite a fan of tse tin wah! i quite liked their "wind fire sea" days... ahahaha
16 年多 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007