Dear Peeps,
sipping on blueberry juice...
I'm regretfully peeved that I typed a long blog entry last night to find it "lost" this morning. So, instead of typing what I wrote last night, I'll just do a new entry today!
I just got back from work and will start to study my scrīpts for " Burning Flame 3'. Today was my first day filming on the set and I was just told that there would be some really interesting scenes coming up in the storyline. Alot of frightful scenes I might add but I'll have to keep it all a secret because I don't want to give away too much of the storyline! But I'm quite excited to continue to shoot one of my favourite tvb series. My partner, Bosco, is very nice (Thank god!) Lol, He'll have to put up with me for the next little while. I met a camera man named, "Tomato" today and I though it was a really cute name!
Other than that, I shot a few scenes for Best Selling Secrets, this morning. Probably my last few scenes for the show since it is coming to an end. I will definitly miss my fellow actors in the series and hope to get a chance to shoot another sit com soon, because it is soooooo much fun and I've learnt so much. I am grateful for the chance to take part in this series and am enjoying my nickname: Alien.
Time to get cracking on my scrīpts! Here are a few photo's to share in the meantime, but I will remember to pack up my camera for more interesting pictures of my work and other snapshots!
Love you all & thank you for all your sweet messages: they always make me smile!
Cheers! Alien Aimee ..............
Us goofy off, after work...I love this shot! Truly I do!
Don't I look so "tiny" next to these two guys!? Hee hee!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED