Hey, been quite busy in the last few days but I had a Press Conference held at Lok Fok in Cwb in the afternoon. Their directors and owners were all there along with the other pageant girls. I attended as the special guest of honour and took many photographs at the request of "fans" & guests. This particular store is the largest Lok Fok Jewels in Hong Kong and I hear that they plan to open up one that is a few thousand square feet in Macau soon. Originally I had to go to China for an award ceremony but due to this function being held at the same time, I was allowed to stay in Hong Kong while the other artists went. I was glad becuase I got the chance to speak with their jewelery designer & others that I hadn't seen in over half a year. I still remember a stunning piece of dangle diamond earrings that she designed in an intricate and unique manner -- I think it's been sold!
I sat in a smelly cab today,
I wish some cab drivers would really take better care of their cars. It had a mixture of BO, cigarettes and mold. I drowned myself in my perfume just to block the smell. It "mentally" worked. To make matter's worse, he was in a heated argument with his wife/girlfriend so I also had to endure his loud angry comments throughout the entire ride home. Sigh....needless to say, I dumped my clothes in the wash right when I got home and wished I brought my ipod with me to drown out the drivers voice! $%@*!!!
| 嘿,我最近這幾天很忙,今天下午剛在銅鑼灣的Lok Fok出席了一個新聞發布會。他們的董事長、老板出席,還邀請了一些港姐。我作為特邀嘉賓和一些”粉絲”和客人拍了些照片。這個很特別的店鋪是香港最大的Lok Fok珠寶店,聽說不久還要在澳門開設幾千尺的新店。本來我要去中國參加一個頒獎禮,但跟這個活動沖突了,於是我呆在香港,派其他人去那邊。我很開心,可以和他們的珠寶設計師以及其他人見面聊天,我們有大半年沒見了。我仍然記得她設計的一對很特別的鉆石耳墜—可能已經賣掉了!
希望一些出租車司機能打理好他們的車。那是一種混合了體味、煙味和酒味的難聞氣味。我拼命聞自己的香水來擋住那味兒,”精神”勝利法。更糟糕的是,這個司機還在電話裏和他老婆還是女朋友吵架,我只能在整個回家路上忍受他生氣的大罵,唉…不用說,一回到家我就把衣服扔到洗衣機裏,真希望當時帶了ipod,可以不用聽到他的聲音! $%@*!!!
| 嘿,我最近这几天很忙,今天下午刚在铜锣湾的Lok Fok出席了一个新闻发布会。他们的董事长、老板出席,还邀请了一些港姐。我作为特邀嘉宾和一些”粉丝”和客人拍了些照片。这个很特别的店铺是香港最大的Lok Fok珠宝店,听说不久还要在澳门开设几千尺的新店。本来我要去中国参加一个颁奖礼,但跟这个活动冲突了,于是我呆在香港,派其他人去那边。我很开心,可以和他们的珠宝设计师以及其他人见面聊天,我们有大半年没见了。我仍然记得她设计的一对很特别的钻石耳坠—可能已经卖掉了!
希望一些出租车司机能打理好他们的车。那是一种混合了体味、烟味和酒味的难闻气味。我拼命闻自己的香水来挡住那味儿,”精神”胜利法。更糟糕的是,这个司机还在电话里和他老婆还是女朋友吵架,我只能在整个回家路上忍受他生气的大骂,唉…不用说,一回到家我就把衣服扔到洗衣机里,真希望当时带了ipod,可以不用听到他的声音! $%@*!!!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED