**Hey all!
I just got back from having Japanese sashimi for dinner with my uncle that has been away for a couple of months. Missed him! I think I had 7 different types of fish tonight & one of the best eel fish in a long while. The sushi melted in my mouth!
A friend from the States came for a visit and I spent the day with them yesterday, buying Shanghai Tang souvenirs, having dim sum (apparently the states don't have great chinese food!) had dinner at Boe Restuarant (a nice experimental restaruant) by ice house.
Other than that, I had been pretty busy this week with work. I had a long day of photoshoot, there were press conferences, a
audience opinion meeting on HD TV/signal (SOOO much clearer and the colors are so much sharper. You can see the texture on the actor's skin and watch your favourite idol seemingly come to life on screen!) Charity events, a
Rotary CWB
Dinner as a Guest Speaker. I felt quite odd speaking at the Rotary club meetings, I've spoken at the Kowloon West meeting prior to this one but the types of people that attend these meetings are the elite of their industry or field,
what can they possibly learn from me? It's interesting becuase at these meetings they only allow at most 2 members from the same field in the club so that they can learn from eachother. It is even more interesting that they find what I do facinating!
But what they find facinating is what I love about my job. I can learn about different fields without actually having to be a surgeon or a finance broker or a lieutenant.
I've gotten way to much sleep lately I'm going to force myself to go to bed earlier tonight. I'm off to CWB Hair to cut my hair shorter for my series and then to a golf charity event @ Sai Wan Ho around 2:30 pm. . .
Aimee Chan is out! G OOD NIGHT EVERYONE ! =)
另外,我這周工作也很忙。拍了一整天的照片、參加了幾個新聞發布會、一個TVB關於HD電視/信號的觀眾意見會(高清晰及真色彩的電視信號。你能很清楚地看到演員的肌膚,感覺屏幕上喜歡的偶像活生生的出現在眼前!)、慈善活動、作為特邀嘉賓在Rotary CWB晚宴上發言,我的發言有些無趣。之前我在Kowloon West會議上發言,但與會者都是各界精英,他們從我身上能學到什麽?很有趣,這個俱樂部只允許每個行業最多兩位精英參加,以便互相學習。更好玩的是他們覺得我做得很棒!他們認為我很棒的地方是因為我熱愛工作。我可以從各領域的精英身上學習,而不必真的成為外科醫生、金融家或軍官。
各位晚安! =)
另外,我这周工作也很忙。拍了一整天的照片、参加了几个新闻发布会、一个TVB关于HD电视/信号的观众意见会(高清晰及真色彩的电视信号。你能很清楚地看到演员的肌肤,感觉屏幕上喜欢的偶像活生生的出现在眼前!)、慈善活动、作为特邀嘉宾在Rotary CWB晚宴上发言,我的发言有些无趣。之前我在Kowloon West会议上发言,但与会者都是各界精英,他们从我身上能学到什么?很有趣,这个俱乐部只允许每个行业最多两位精英参加,以便互相学习。更好玩的是他们觉得我做得很棒!他们认为我很棒的地方是因为我热爱工作。我可以从各领域的精英身上学习,而不必真的成为外科医生、金融家或军官。
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED