Hi all,
< reminds me of pak man!
I JUST got back from my MC job with Unicef's Loveday sponsored by "CARTIER". I'm still in my stage makeup and hair. Gee, that makes me sound like a workaholic...or just REALLY attached to my comp...=)
Anyway, tonight's show was loads of fun and very worthwhile. Almost every city/country today is hosting their own Loveday celebration where the main idea is to raise money for their chosen charity, so it's an international thing which is really admirable. Singers showed up and each artist recieved a Cartier's "Love" line bracelet, I picked red..for L O V E...=P isn't that such a cheesy choice? I'll upload photos with my MC partner later but I think it's more respectful to ask if he's okay with it first.
I have loads of packing to do tonight, I'm flying out soon for a couple of days to work at a function that is commemorating the return of HK, more charity shows, press conferences, but the brilliant thing is that it's being held in Toronto so I can visit my university friends. The downfall is, is that I don't get much personal time, I'm working three seperate events that come along with the prep work. I can't wait though, I really miss good Canadian breakfast..for all you Canadian's/Amercian's out there...I'm sure you know what I mean!....
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED