. he heh.
I like this " icon", it's h i l a r i o u s . !!!!!!
Ijust got back from rehersal for tommorow night's stage show. It will be held at the "Sun Gong" Theatre in North Point. It's a charity event filled with traditional chinese opera for the older generation of chinese opera lovers. I will be participating as the special guest and will do a solo "fan" dance...I'll let you guys know how it goes tommrow night...(If I'm able to see straight that is > been very tired lately!)
As for today... I woke up extra early this morning to attend the Tsuen Wan's charity
"Children Festival"
to host a few games with the participating children and their parents. The reporters commented that I had the champion's touch since the two kids that I picked to play the hula hoop & skipping rope competition won the event. ( My longest hula hoop record is about 45 minutes! While watching King Arthur. )| 開心,總算結束了!呵呵
剛排練完回來,明晚將在北角Sun Gong劇院演出。這是一場為老一輩京劇愛好者舉辦的傳統中國京劇表演,我會擔任特別嘉賓並表演扇子獨舞…明晚的演出情況我會告訴你們…(如果我還看得清楚的話>最近真的好累!)
刚排练完回来,明晚将在北角Sun Gong剧院演出。这是一场为老一辈京剧爱好者举办的传统中国京剧表演,我会担任特别嘉宾并表演扇子独舞…明晚的演出情况我会告诉你们…(如果我还看得清楚的话>最近真的好累!)
While we started to play the "Pilot Chess" I completely forgotten that this was an event for kids . . .| 玩”飛行棋”時我全然忘記了這是孩子的活動…
| 玩”飞行棋”时我全然忘记了这是孩子的活动…
And forgotten that the obstacle courses were ALSO meant for the kids....| 而且忘記了這些跨越障礙的訓練是專為孩子準備的…
| 而且忘记了这些跨越障碍的训练是专为孩子准备的…
Hehe. I'm still a kid!...I get a bit crazy when it comes to sports. I joined the air cadets for a short while when I was younger JUST for the obstacle courses which ofcoarse they only do in the summer. I didn't last in that program long - they required all cadets to polish their shoes to the point of seeing your own reflection. I never had enough patience for that and always figured it was a waste of time! Who will use my shoes as a mirror when they can just head to the bathroom!? My cousin had the patience and he's now a captain in the Canadian Navy. I'm in love with army gear...Carlton (his nickname) , I'm still waiting for my jacket and my Navy Cap! I know all your dirty secrets...lol!
nite guys! ......
| 呵呵,我也是个孩子!...我超爱运动。小时候有很短一段时间参加了空军少年军校,只是夏天组织的跨越障碍训练。我没坚持到结束—他们要求我们把自己的鞋子擦到亮得能看见人影。我在这种事情上可没耐心,这不是浪费时间吗!大家好不容易去趟洗手间,谁会拿我的鞋当镜子!?我表哥有这个耐心,他现在是加拿大海军上校了。我爱军队制服…Carlton(他的小名),我还在等着我的夹克和海军帽呢!我知道你所有不可告人的小秘密哦…lol!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED