Hi All! =)
I'm blasting my music on my sound system while doing some work.
The highlight of my day today was when I went to HMV after work and picked up 6 cd's. I also downloaded about 30 or so songs (legally from iTunes!) Most of them were very commercial pop/rock songs but at the store I was estatic to see that one of my favourite DJ'S,
DJ Tiesto
had come out with a new album that I didn't have yet, titled
Elements of Life", so I picked it up.
"In Search of Sunrise 2"
is my ultimate favourite, his pacing is very good and he has an airy ambience to his music whereas
Paul Van Dyke
another favourite is a bit heavier & darker.
Paul Oakenfold's
music is a bit more commercial but is also soo good- I missed his Asia Tour when he was playing in HK this past May.
boooo. Ok, I don't know how anybody feels about
DJ Scooter
but I absolutely LOVE, "I was made for loving you". His lyrics are a bit cheezy but his voice is rough, the music itself is dark, catchy and very sexy.
These are my must-haves when I'm working fast or whenever I need creative inspiration!
Well, I'm off to bed now... I have a photoshoot tommorow...
!!!! !!!!! !!!! !! !! !!!!! !!!!! *****N* I G H T A L L ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!!!!!
| 大家好!=)
昨天結束工作後,我到HMV買了6張CD,還下載了大約30首歌曲,(從iTunes合法下載!)大部分是商業流行/搖滾歌曲。在店裏發現我最愛的DJTiesto出了新CD,叫”Elements of Life”,於是買下了它。
Search of Sunrise
2”是我的終極最愛,韻律很棒,音樂營造出輕松氛圍。Paul Van Dyke我也喜歡,但他的音樂有點沈重和灰暗。Paul Oakenfold更加商業化,但也很好聽,真懷念今年5月他在香港開的亞洲巡回音樂會。哦,好吧,不知道大家對DJ Scooter怎麽看,我超愛,”為了愛你而生”。他的歌詞稍嫌粗俗,但嗓音沙啞,音樂本身灰暗、迷幻、十分性感。
| 大家好=)
昨天结束工作后,我到HMV买了6张CD,还下载了大约30首歌曲,(从iTunes合法下载!),大部分是商业流行/摇滚歌曲。在店里发现我最爱的DJTiesto出了新CD,叫”Elements of Life”,于是买下了它。
Search of Sunrise
2”是我的终极最爱,韵律很棒,音乐营造出轻松氛围。Paul Van Dyke我也喜欢,但他的音乐有点沉重和灰暗。Paul Oakenfold更加商业化,但也很好听,真怀念今年5月他在香港开的亚洲巡回音乐会。哦,好吧,不知道大家对DJ Scooter怎么看,我超爱,”为了爱你而生”。他的歌词稍嫌粗俗,但嗓音沙哑,音乐本身灰暗、迷幻、十分性感。
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED