Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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Dolce Vita - T.V. Hosting | Dolce Vita-主持電視節目

Good morning All!

(Wow, I don't ever remember writing in my blog in the mornings...usually it's around 3-5 am!)

I had trouble sleeping last night... probably from my werid sleeping patterns lately. OR probably because it's been a while since I trained so much. I went horse back riding  & trained Wushuyesterday- that's  3.5 hoursof non-stop training. My mentor couldn't believe I had that much stamina since it's been a while since I've had time to train! I was quite surprised myself mind you and I'm not feeling any pains or tired reactions to my long hours of training this morning....quite the opposite! I feel like I'm on SUGAR

high! I'm so damnhyper !


I got a call from my manager last night and besides shooting the new cop drama next month, I will also be hosting TVB Pearl's "Dolce Vita"t.v. program until my drama starts. I'm excited because Dolce Vita talks about runway fashion, top brands, trendy make-up, fusion cuisine, spa's anything that is chic and the best of the best and "what's new" in the fashion industry within HK and all over the world. One of the host went to Switzerland for this huge swiss watch show a couple months ago and came back with photos, presents and an extensive knowledge of watch design etc.  When my manager asked me if I wanted to do it, I was like "Hell YEAH!" Fashion shows? Design?  Luxury? That's SO my type of show! It's everything that I'm into and my manger mentioned that since I'm a graphic designer, I would be great at introducing products, highlighting the uniqueness in each design better than the normal person.  (um...I'll try my best...! lol)

I'm going to cook a healthy lunch for myself now and then get back to work... I'm attending a Rotary Club meeting as a guest speaker next week & I have to figure out what I want to talk about!| 早上好!


昨晚睡不好…可能是最近的睡覺模式有點怪,或者是訓練太多了。昨天練習騎馬和武術--連續3個半小時不停的訓練。老師都不敢相信我有那麽好的體力,因為我已經很久沒訓練了!我自己也很驚訝,在經過長時間的訓練後,今天早上竟然沒有任何酸痛或勞累的反應…正相反!我覺得自己sugar high!我很愛宣傳!

昨晚接到經紀人的電話,下個月我除了要拍攝一部新的警察劇集之外,還會主持TVB明珠臺的”Dolve Vita”節目,直到新戲開拍。我很興奮,因為Dolve Vita是拍香港及世界最好、最新、最潮的時尚風潮,包括T臺風尚、頂級品牌、高級成衣、美食、SPA等。其中一個主持人兩個月前去瑞士參加大型鐘表節,帶回來許多照片、禮品和豐富的鐘表設計知識。所以當經紀人問我是否願意做這個節目的主持人時,我很開心答到”好啊!”時裝秀?設計?奢華?正合我意!我喜歡這些,經紀人說正因為我是繪圖設計師,在介紹產品、找出產品設計特點時應當勝人一籌(恩…我會盡力的…!)

現在我要為自己做一頓健康午餐,然後回去工作…下周要在Rotary Club的會上做發言嘉賓,得準備發言稿了!

| 早上好!


昨晚睡不好…可能是最近的睡觉模式有点怪,或者是训练太多了。昨天练习骑马和武术--连续3个半小时不停的训练。老师都不敢相信我有那么好的体力,因为我已经很久没训练了!我自己也很惊讶,在经过长时间的训练后,今天早上竟然没有任何酸痛或劳累的反应…正相反!我觉得自己sugar high!我很爱宣传!

昨晚接到经纪人的电话,下个月我除了要拍摄一部新的警察剧集之外,还会主持TVB明珠台的”Dolve Vita”节目,直到新戏开拍。我很兴奋,因为Dolve Vita是拍香港及世界最好、最新、最潮的时尚风潮,包括T台风尚、顶级品牌、高级成衣、美食、SPA等。其中一个主持人两个月前去瑞士参加大型钟表节,带回来许多照片、礼品和丰富的钟表设计知识。所以当经纪人问我是否愿意做这个节目的主持人时,我很开心答到”好啊!”时装秀?设计?奢华?正合我意!我喜欢这些,经纪人说正因为我是绘图设计师,在介绍产品、找出产品设计特点时应当胜人一筹(恩…我会尽力的…!)

现在我要为自己做一顿健康午餐,然后回去工作…下周要在Rotary Club的会上做发言嘉宾,得准备发言稿了!

I L OVEhelicopters, I hope to fly in one again soon!

xoxo, Always on the move....


P.S. I have some photos from my underwater snorkeling trip to share with you guys soon, not sure how they turned out but stay tuned!...| 我愛直升飛機,希望很快可以再坐!



 | 我爱直升飞机,希望很快可以再坐!



17 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh cool, i'm looking forward to the underwater pics! i'm shopping for a new camera, i want to get one w/ the waterproof housing. I heard that swiss watch show is pretty insane. i used to work with a project here in hk related to that field...
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps -we wanna see some of your wushu!
17 年多 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007