Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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doughnut war | 甜甜圈之戰

ohhh I'm so full! I got home from work and ate alot of food trying to make up for the lack of food I put in my stomach all day!

It was great at the comic con yesterday. I didn't get a chance to stay for the full concert tho but it was nice to see new faces and AnD crew. The music, electric guitares were nice. I felt guilty trying to match everyone's faces to their AnD ID photo ( shhhh, don't tell! heehee) no, but it was nice to finally meet you guys!  Loved the AnD hats! lol.

I saw a few toys that I wanted but they weren't for sale! I'm really into those beautifuly crafted Anime girls in sexy costumes, I think the female body is quite beautiful and very artistic. I'm also really into R o b ot s  &   G undam. Though I'm ashamed to say that I'm not the advid collector that is willing to wait over 42 hours outside just so I can pick up the limited editions. I rather pay more for it later than skip my beauty sleep! (ebay!) Hee hee. 

I worked at a show as a mini-mc at a soldier camp .  Official Land, Sea and Air soldiers with student cadets were there. They're all so polite when they asked for photos surprisingly!  I had to play a game where I wore a builders helmet with a wire attached to it. At the end of the wire was a doughnut. We had to try to get the dougnut into our mouths without using our hands....gosh it was hard and it was hiLARIOUS! All my well manners went out the door as I tried to win the game. I tried to gently kiss it, woo it (how do you woo a doughnut --dont ask!)  swing it, using the wires own tension to bounce it --nothing worked. Sigh,  haa haa, I ended up with sugar all over myself but it was fun. The crowd laughed so hard as I'm sure we looked pretty goofy trying so hard.    

P.s. those doughnuts WERE fresh and pretty tasty!                                           

  xo Cheers!

| 哦,我好飽!結束工作回家後,我吃了很多東西,想填滿一整天沒吃東西的胃!

昨天參加動漫節很開心。雖然沒看完整場演出,但很開心認識新朋友和AnD的夥伴們。音樂、電吉他都很棒。很想把大家的臉和AnD的ID頭像對應起來(啊,分辨不出來!!!呵呵)但能跟大家見面真的很棒!我愛AnD的帽子! lol






| 哦,我好饱!结束工作回家后,我吃了很多东西,想填满一整天没吃东西的胃!

昨天参加动漫节很开心。虽然没看完整场演出,但很开心认识新朋友和AnD的伙伴们。音乐、电吉他都很棒。很想把大家的脸和AnD的ID头像对应起来(啊,分辨不出来!!!呵呵)但能跟大家见面真的很棒!我爱AnD的帽子! lol





17 年多 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was great to finally meet you yesterday. don't worry, i'm embarassed i didn't recognize you at first too! ;-)
17 年多 ago
Kevinli da kevinli
yeah it was awsome to meet u too aimee!!...I think i gave u a fright??...anyway will try to c u at tvb sometimes...i am there every wednesday....
17 年多 ago
Photo 33405
the donut game sounds funny and messy! what kind of donut did you have to try to get? hope it wasn't chocolate-covered! :)
17 年多 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007