Goodnight & Good Morning!
It's been very busy since I've been back. I Went to work today to shoot a short intro for , had a short meeting and my manager gave me a copy of an interview that I did a long while ago in See Health Mag as well as in Three. I'm still waiting for Elle Magazine to send over an exclusive interview and Fashion Spread (wearing a cool neon Qi Pao, glamourous gown with crown and a few trendy outfits) that I did for them while I was in Hungary promoting HK trade Development & local HK product designers. I had the opportunity to meet and hang out with Miss Hungary 05. She's so charming and...TALL! =) We had a bit of a problem communication though because her first dialect is Hungarien so we conversed through many English, hand gestures and eye signals...and we LAUGHED ALOT! Since laughter is the Universal language meaning, "hey , I think you're OK" lol. She's so sweet and gorgeous!
Either the newspaper theif tried to get back at me or the newspaper boy made a funny mistake. As I was making my morning breakfast of eggs and whole wheat toast, I opened my door with a nice cold glass of freshly squeezed OJ in one hand and I was astonished to see "South China Morning Post" on the floor instead of "Apple Daily". Either it was the newspaper boy's idea of a joke (how can you possibly mix it up, it's not even the same LANGUAGE!) OR for all of you who have read my "newspaper theif" story a while back, THAT guy trying to get back at me for scaring him off.
but I was not pleased.
GRRR. But then again I get the last laugh....I know how to read English. =P So I decided to not let that ruin my morning, I sat down with my breakfast and started to read the newspaper from begining to end...
even the classified section!
Here's a
from a photo competition held at an award wining garden design show. I was a model for the competition and this photo was sent to me by one of my fans... thank you (his name goes here)
=) TVB also gave me a HUGE stack of other contestants entries, I never had so many photos of me in ONE costume before!| 晚安
回來之後我非常忙,今天去TVB.com工作,拍了個短片,開了個短會,經紀人給了我一份訪問的影印本,那是很久之前See Health雜誌和Three給我做的訪問。我也在等著Elle雜誌發來他們對我的獨家專訪和時裝照(穿很酷的旗袍、戴著皇冠穿迷人的長袍,還有一些新潮衣服),那是我在匈牙利推廣“香港貿易發展及本地產品設計師“時拍的。我還有機會跟95年”匈牙 利小姐”見面,一起出去玩。她非常有魅力而且…很高!她的母語是匈牙利語,跟我溝通上有點問題,所以我們通過英文、手語還有眼神進行交流…還有很多笑容!笑是全球通用語言,意思是”嘿,我認為你很棒”!她很甜美、燦爛!
Need to get some sleep's 5:18 am,
Night all !!!!
So sleepy...| 現在要睡覺了…已經淩晨5:18分了
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED