Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Go !

Go China Go!  Go HK Go!

Every chance I get, I turn on the tube to keep track of the Olympics. China always seems to amaze me - over and over again. The opening was incredible, though I didn't watch all 4 hours of it my favourite part was the Tai Chi. How in the world did they maintain a perfect circle, through side kicks, turns, jumps,  is beyond me. I am so proud to witness this and it makes me feel even more proud to be Chinese (3 cheers!) .

I've been watching mainly through the High Definition T.V. at TVB's makeup room lately. And it has finally convinced me that I needed to upgrade my own...so my new Sony W,  has finally arrived today! So excited! It's sitting in a huge box waiting for installation. (Where's the installation guy!? - Hurry please! ) hee hee. Now I can clearly see individual sweat beads on all the athletes, my world seems clearer! And I'm never going back! Hee hee.

China is killing! 20 gold medals and the games aren't half over yet so more gold coming our way! I get all teary when I see the athletics win, to feel the amount of hard work over the years of training, the physical pain and the obstacles they had to overcome mentally is overwhelming!On another note: Here's a photo from one of my days of shooting "Burning Flame 3"With Dexter, our "Fireman's Dog". Isn't he a sweetheart!?


Wishing everyone Good health!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
he looks like a great dog! ;-) ps - i love the uniform! (of course!)
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, i think in the US they sell more TVs during the week of the Superbowl than any other week... the olympics is probably the same, except worldwide! ;-)
over 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Haha, sounds like you got Olymic fever. With your love of sports and Hockey, I'm sure you'll get to be a host for the next winter Olympics. Go Aimee go. Enjoy the new HDTV. Planet Earth is a great HD show, I think Wild China will be great in HD too. Besides the Olympics, I'm looking forward to seeing you in HD too:)
over 16 years ago
Tomlo 5a thomaslo
Torontonian #3 that I've found on this site...thought I'd drop a line to say what's up... ummm.... What's up?
over 16 years ago
cute !!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 65978
aw, cute!
over 16 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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