Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Happy Birthday Momo!|毛毛生日快樂!|毛毛生日快乐!

Happy Birthday Momo Zh e  (I don't know how to type the name in chinese characters- sorry guys!)This is a photo taken on her birthday during studio filming. One big happy family! Mo Zhe, is one of my favourite HK actor and so wonderful as a person in real life. Before entering into the business, I saw her in Toronto one day at my favourite Chinese restaurant, a couple of years back and I mustered enough courage to ask for her autograph. I was so starstruck and muttered something like, "uh...Ms. Mo Shurn Qwun, I really like watching your uh..... films. I think your sooooo talented....uh.....would you mind terribly if I got your autograph?" I don't even know if she understood my muttering but she smiled sweetly and signed on the back of my daddy's business card in which I have securly placed in the back of my photo album back home. Tee hee, and now I'm working with her and learning the tricks of the trade from her....I'm estatic!

Happy happy birthday!!!! -- more photo's coming sooooon!

MUAH!  |

生日快樂毛毛姐 (我不懂得用中文打她的名字 - 对不起朋友们!)這張相片是她生日那天,在片場拍攝時影的。一個歡樂大家庭!毛姐是我最喜愛的香港演員之一,她真人個性非常了不起。其實幾年前,還未入行的時候,有一天我在多倫多一間我最喜歡的中式餐館裡碰見過她,也鼓起勇氣向她拿簽名。當時見到明星已經被嚇到傻了,說話也講不清,好像跟她說,“ 啊…毛舜筠小姐…我很喜歡看妳的啊…戲。我覺得妳的才藝非常厲害…啊…妳介不唔介意幫我簽個名嗎?” 其實我也不知道她究竟明不明白我在說什麼,但她笑得很甜美,還親筆簽了我爸爸的卡片背後,而那張卡片也收藏在我家裡一本相簿後面。嘻嘻, 現在與她一起工作,並跟她學識很多圈中的秘密及要決…太興奮啦!

祝妳生日快快樂樂!!!! - 更多相片即將來臨!

MUAH!  |

生日快乐毛毛姐  (我不懂得用中文打她的名字 - 对不起朋友们!) 这张相片是她生日那天,在片场拍摄时影的。一个欢乐大家庭!毛姐是我最喜爱的香港演员之一,她真人个性非常了不起。其实几年前,还未入行的时候,有一天我在多伦多一间我最喜欢的中式餐馆裡碰见过她,也鼓起勇气向她拿签名。当时见到明星已经被吓到傻了,说话也讲不清,好像跟她说,“ 啊…毛舜筠小姐…我很喜欢看妳的啊…戏。我觉得妳的才艺非常厉害…啊…妳介不唔介意帮我签个名吗?” 其实我也不知道她究竟明不明白我在说什麽,但她笑得很甜美,还亲笔签了我爸爸的卡片背后,而那张卡片也收藏在我家裡一本相簿后面。嘻嘻, 现在与她一起工作,并跟她学识很多圈中的秘密及要决…太兴奋啦!

祝妳生日快快乐乐!!!! - 更多相片即将来临!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh, its Theresa Mo (毛舜筠)!
over 16 years ago
Jayson 93 2
Happy Birthday Miss Mo!!!!!
over 16 years ago


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