Hi all!
Guess where I am guys!? I'm in my hometown Toronto, Canada, with a few days left before heading back to HK. I just got back from a few Radio Interviews at Fairchild Television and will take part in another 2 interviews tommorow after my charity work at Man Sheong. I miss my hometown! I took some time off of work to re-charge and to spend some quality time with my family for Chinese New Year (we know how much of a big deal that is!) I also took time to go to NYC for a week and it was so much fun! Shopping spree after shopping spree! (I have, ahem, officialy 8 pairs of new shoes in my suitcase now! heh heh) NOTHING beats Canadian and USA shopping! I know my friends would think I'm crazy for saying that, after all isn't HK known for being THE shopping district? We saw the Phantom of the Opera and The Vanguard Jazz Club...they were great!
. I am embarssed to say though, that I had major jet leg everynight when I was in the city and ended up falling alseep through half of all the shows that we attended regardless how good the performances were! The 12 hour time difference was just way too much for me!
| 大家好!
你們猜我現在在哪?我在家鄉加拿大多倫多,再呆幾天就回香港。我剛剛在Fairchild電視臺參加完幾個電臺訪問,明天Man Sheong慈善活動後還有兩個訪問。我想念家鄉!工作之余我休息放松,與家人一起度過了農歷新年(如你所知,新年大餐有很多菜!)我還到紐約一周,非常好玩!瘋狂購物接著又瘋狂購物! (我現在有,啊咳,8雙新鞋躺在行李箱了!呵呵)沒什麽比在加拿大和美國購物更開心的!我知道朋友們會覺得我說這個有點瘋狂,畢竟香港以購物天堂而著名?我們去欣賞”歌劇魅影”和”The Vanguard Jazz Club”…精彩演出!有點不好意思,我時差還沒倒過來,就算演出如此精彩,看到一半我還是睡著了! 12小時的時差對我來說太難了!
It's freezing in Toronto and NY. I landed an awsome I LOVE NY tshirt in which I'm re-vamping into my own style. Princess sleeves and all!
For once in a loooong while, I chucked my Starbucks for a Dean & Deluca's Latte and it was good!
Wishing everyone good health!
偶爾把星巴克換成Dean & Deluca拿鐵,味道真好!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED