Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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In Hawaii ! | 在夏威夷!

Aloha Everybody!

I haven't been around these last few days becuase I've been busy soaking in the sun in beautiful Hawaii!  We just got back from Maui last night and spent a good few days exploring the island and enjoying the watersports. My brother and I went rafting, snorkeling (swam alongside sea turtles, baby sharks, tropical fishes & sea plants...it was AMAZING!) We went to 2 different snorkeling sites and one of the kids on board fliped one of the turtles upside down. Scared the poor creature to death...he quickly dived back down into the deep waters. My absolute favourite part was when we took a helicopter up to explore the West & East part of Maui as well as the Big Island. .  .

| 歡迎各位! 這些天沒來,因為我在美麗夏威夷的陽光下玩水!昨晚剛從毛依島回來,花了好幾天探訪這個島,還有水上項目。我和哥哥去玩了筏子和潛水(跟海龜、小鯊魚、熱帶魚還有海生植物一起遊泳…真是太棒了!)我們去了兩個潛水點,有個小孩在船上不停地把一只海龜翻來倒去,把可憐的小生物嚇得半死…然後他很快又潛入了深水中。我的最愛是乘直升機在東、西部以及整個島的上空俯瞰美景。

|  欢迎各位! 这些天没来,因为我在美丽夏威夷的阳光下玩水!昨晚刚从毛依岛回来,花了好几天探访这个岛,还有水上项目。我和哥哥去玩了筏子和潜水(跟海龟、小鲨鱼、热带鱼还有海生植物一起游泳…真是太棒了!)我们去了两个潜水点,有个小孩在船上不停地把一只海龟翻来倒去,把可怜的小生物吓得半死…然后他很快又潜入了深水中。我的最爱是乘直升机在东、西部以及整个岛的上空俯瞰美景。


So very excited, they taped the entire tour on dvd. | 非常興奮,他們全程都錄了DVD。 | 非常兴奋,他们全程都录了DVD。

We flew through a double rainbow, the pilot mentioned that it was a bit rare! The big island has 11 of the possible 14 different climates making it turn from extreme rain to sunshine in just a few steps away...very cool!  | 我們穿越了雙層彩虹,飛行員說這可不常見!這個大島有14種天氣的11種,走不了幾步就從傾盆大雨變成了艷陽高照…酷!! | 我们穿越了双层彩虹,飞行员说这可不常见!这个大岛有14种天气的11种,走不了几步就从倾盆大雨变成了艳阳高照…酷!!

This was above the clouds, so beautiful. The tour took us through the West,East side of Maui as well as the Big Island. I really wanted to see the Active volcano's only active in the Big Island but we saw dormant ones instead... | 非常美麗的雲層上方。我們從東部飛到西部俯瞰全島美景。我很想看看活火山運動起來的樣子,但火山依然沈睡著… | 非常美丽的云层上方。我们从东部飞到西部俯瞰全岛美景。我很想看看活火山运动起来的样子,但火山依然沉睡着…

The crater of this particular one is believed to have been inactive for about 400 years.

The crater had a metal fence surrounding it and runs about 7 miles to 12 miles around to help prevent animals from going into there to eat the silver sword plant which ONLY grows here.... | 這個火山坑有超過400年沒有活動了。火山坑旁圍繞著7到12英裏的金屬防護欄,防止動物進去啃食這裏獨有的含銀植物…

| 这个火山坑有超过400年没有活动了。火山坑旁围绕着7到12英里的金属防护栏,防止动物进去啃食这里独有的含银植物…

Maui is so beautiful and I respect how they try to preserve everything in it's natural state. Here are some windmills that help generate part of the islands electricity. | 毛依島很美,我欣賞他們維護自然風貌的努力。這些是風車,為島上提供一些電力。 | 毛依岛很美,我欣赏他们维护自然风貌的努力。这些是风车,为岛上提供一些电力。

See how there is a small rainstorm ahead? it was REALLY bright and sunny 1 min before. | 看到前面有道小彩虹了嗎?就在一分鐘前還非常清楚。 | 看到前面有道小彩虹了吗?就在一分钟前还非常清楚。

This was one of my favourite photos that I took of today, the scenery was simply breathtaking! | 這是我今天拍的最喜歡的照片之一,令人窒息的美景! | 这是我今天拍的最喜欢的照片之一,令人窒息的美景!

windy palm trees...it was actually a bit chilly at night in Maui! | 風吹著棕櫚樹…毛依島晚上有些冷! | 风吹着棕榈树…毛依岛晚上有些冷!

The resort on the beach was exquisite, most of the resorts on kihei side were not nearly as close to the beach as ours was. My bed was right next to the balcony so I kept the window wide open and fell asleep to the crashing sounds of the waves and woke up to the rising sun and the chilly dewy air. soooo nice & relaxing.

Maui Hawaii is definitley one of the most beautiful place I have ever been too!

I have so many photos but I will have to share them with you guys in moderation! I'll have to publish the underwater photos later when I get my waterproof camera film developed so stay tuned!

Rest time for Aimee!

Stay Tuned...|  建在沙灘上的酒店很精致,大部分的Kihei酒店都沒有我們這麽靠近沙灘。我的床就在陽臺旁邊,所以我整晚都開著窗戶,在波浪拍打沙灘的巨大聲響中入睡,又在初升的太陽和涼涼的帶著露水的空氣中醒來。非常舒服和放松。

夏威夷毛依島是我到過最美的地方之一! 還有很多照片,適可而止!等看了我的防水相機後,還會發水下的照片上來。要關註哦!



  |  建在沙滩上的酒店很精致,大部分的Kihei酒店都没有我们这么靠近沙滩。我的床就在阳台旁边,所以我整晚都开着窗户,在波浪拍打沙滩的巨大声响中入睡,又在初升的太阳和凉凉的带着露水的空气中醒来。非常舒服和放松。

夏威夷毛依岛是我到过最美的地方之一! 还有很多照片,适可而止!等看了我的防水相机后,还会发水下的照片上来。要关注哦!



17 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares
Photo 31217
oh!! i want to try!! i love it!
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow sweet! i went to the big island two years back, we did scuba and the helicopter thing (specifically to see the volcano!). it was over the top!
17 年多 ago
Photo 33405
It's so amazing to snorkel amongst sea turtles in Hawaii. When I went, the instructor warned us never to touch the sea turtles because the oils on our skin could potentially contribute to cause tumors on the sea turtle's skin.
17 年多 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007