Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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Missing Person. | 尋人

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT!!!!!!! Sorry to have not written in a while, it's been a bit busy.

I have many good photo's of me going around HK in search of the most "latest" and most luxurious in cuisin, fashion, spa's , design and style that I would be sharing in the up coming days so stay tuned.

But in the meantime, something more important... I turned on my computer and was reading my email's when I came across this unfortunate forward from a friend of a friend who lost her grandfather in Tsing Yi yesterday. I really hope that she finds him and I'm pretty sure it's not a hoax, the very least that I can do besides pray for him is to post it up on my AnD blog in hopes that you may have seen him! 

| 首先祝PAT生日快樂!!!!!!!對不起很久沒寫博客了,最近有點忙。我有好多照片要分享,因為最近在香港四處尋找最”新鮮”最”奢華”的美食、時裝、SPA、設計和流行風尚,接下來的幾天會跟大家分享,請保持關註。


supposedly this is the latest pic of him but when he was lost he was wearing "long sleeve shirt with black & white stripes", black pants, khaki colored shoes.

| 這是他的照片,走失時他身穿"黑白橫間長袖衫"、黑色長褲、卡其色鞋。

The above is the phone number where you can reach his family.  Thanks for reading and hope the AnD crew don't party TOO hard tonight! (I'm sure they will though!)

Love of love,


| 你可以通過上面的電話號碼聯系到他的家人,謝謝你們的閱讀。希望AnD夥伴們今晚的Party不要太瘋狂! (但我肯定他們會!)



大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
Photo 39462
i'll repost this on my blog and help out as much as possible! prayers go out to your friend and hope they find him real soon! MissyK*
大约 17 年 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007