Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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My New Family Member *

Just wanted to share with you guys, A new addition to my family, I adopted her from SPCA aweek ago. This is my first kitten and I've fallen head over heels in love with cats. She's born in the same month as me (an Aries!) so I decided to name her APRIL. She loves people and smells wonderful!!!

She was reluctant to eat the first 3 days and is very thin but she's eating alot more now and getting more at a healthier weight. She's a bright cookie and seems to be IN LOVE with Pizza. I think she had alot of it when she was out in the streets! I figured that out a painful way one night when I ordered pizza for dinner, she jumped on my back desperately wanted a bite. But alas, no human food for my baby, I want her to grow up healthy!

Her favorite toys are everything BUT her own toys (that's my camera case she's chewing on)

and her favorite place for apower napis right here...(i'm not complaining!)

There are so many homeless animals out in the streets in any part of the world that we live in, some with a horrible history and most of have lived a very unfair life. Abused by irresponsible people or abandoned by irresponsible owners. They all deserve a warm home and all just need a little bit of love. For those who are really looking to bring a pet into their homes, please help save a life and adopt one from your closest shelter. They make such amazing pets and you'd wonder why in the world would people neglect this little creature when you look into their eyes. They have so much love to give in return - I love my little April! 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  29 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
kawai yo! But I prefer dogs. ;-)
over 16 years ago
OMG... what happened to ur hair ??
over 16 years ago
Jayson 93 2
It's always good when a homeless animal finds a home.
over 16 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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May 17, 2007