Hi Everyone!
I'm very excited today! For all of you who is as much into design as I am, I just picked up the newest model of
Wacom Graphire 4 tablet!
Whoo whoo.
It has twice the tablet area for me to doodle and more sensitivity levels than the older versions. I had a Graphire 2 tablet for a day
(ONE day!) before my bratty puppy chewed the pen that rolled unto the floor and destroyed the usb wire. That was 2 years ago. It was the first time I was actually mad at my puppy! #@%! Then I never picked one up after that because my
MAC ibook
went bonkers on me when I arrived in HK and now I'm considering buying the newer MAC ibooks that are built with intel processor. I'm a bias for I am a laptop lover but I have to admit, the new 24" desktop is simply breathtaking!
My cousin made me promise to take these HUGE vitamin pills that come 6 in a pack, split into AM and PM. I'm a very organic, natural and healthy type eating girl but these vitamins are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to swallow! That means I need to take 12 of these things per day, I'm not complaining, but when I see that this box comes in a 4-week supply...56 packets, I think to myself, "That's 672 vitamin pills per month!" , I don't think my throat can take it.=) But then considering the long hours at work and lack of sleep, I'm pretty sure all of us needs our bit of calcium, multiminerals, multi vitamin's etc...to keep our batteries running smoothly.
My graphire is calling out to play now, I think I'm in
| 各位好!
今天太興奮了!如果你象我一樣熱愛設計,就知道收到最新Wacom Graphire 4繪畫板時有多開心了!哇哇。跟舊版相比,有兩倍大的繪畫欄給我隨意塗鴉,而且敏感度更高。我曾經擁有Graphire 2一天時間(就一天!),之後討厭的小狗咬住了我的筆,拖到地板上,毀掉了USB無線。那已經是兩年前的事了,我第一次對我的狗狗生氣! #@%!後來我到香港後就再沒買過,因為MAC本本已經讓我瘋狂了。現在我正考慮買一個帶intel處理器的新MAC本本。我很愛用筆記本,但必須承認,新的24寸臺式機也是非常棒!
Aimee gone
| Aimee離開了poof!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED