I'm taking over the captain's control panels....let's go there! (no worries, the captain was keeping a REAL close eye on me! ) hah hah! | 我現在代替船長指揮…開去那邊!(別擔心,真正的船長在看著我呢!)哈哈!
No worries, I didn't press any buttons! This panel reminded me of the old NINTENDO game controllers I used to play as a little kid! They looked SO cool! | 別怕,我沒按任何鍵!這個控制盤讓我想起小時候玩的一個很老的任天堂遊戲控制器!太酷了!
Me and my Dolce Vita partner, Jason, had a little too much time on our hands as we were hours until night fall to shoot the city night scape! so we decided to explore the ship... BOO!
| 我和Dolce
Vita拍檔Jason剛好有多余時間,要等幾個小時太陽落山後拍城市夜景!我們決定在船上四處探索… Boo!
I LOVED this retro feeling staircase in the lower "employees only" deck so I had to take a photo! | 我喜歡底下一層甲板上”員工專用”樓梯的復古感覺,要拍照!
This is the ships anchor, in a VERY secluded and dangerous part of the ship. I swear I can lift it, I swear! arg!!!! | 這是錨,船只隱蔽而危險的重要組成部分。我發誓能擡起它來,一定!啊!!!
This is the kitchen, look how BIG the soup pot is!? It's big enough that I can curl up in it... | 廚房,看看那口湯鍋有多大!?大到我都可以縮進裏面…
I found a christmas tree in one of the control rooms....I had to take a quick snap shot as I thought it was sweet to keep the tree up even though it is WAY past christmas! It was a way to make them all feel like home since all of the members on the ship came from different parts of the world! | 在一間控制室我發現了一棵聖誕樹…聖誕節都過去那麽久了,現在還放著它真是貼心,我要拍張照片!船員來自世界各地,聖誕樹讓大家感覺到家的溫馨。
Finally me and Jason were so tired from exploring and still had 2 more hours until sunset, so we decided to take a nap to re-charge ourselves before filming.
On a funny note: It was one of the coldest days when we shot this episode. It was so cold that the crew and we devoured dozens of pieces of sandwiches, toast and plates of noodles. Thank you for Asia Cruise for filling our stomachs with food, we might not have lasted until night fall as all of our stomaches were making weird hungry noises! he heh!
| 探索之旅過後,我和Jason都很累了,但還有2個小時才天黑,我們決定拍攝前小睡一會兒補充體力。
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED