Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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over 8 carats diamonds....all mine! | 超過8克拉的鉆石…都是我的!

Hi guys!!!!!! 

I finished an MC job for Yun Zai charity last saturday and it was loads of fun and very worth while. I got to visit two older gentlemen who were helped by the organization and spoke with them about how the organization helped them change their life. We also raised alot of money to help others in need. Alot of great singers, old & new, were there to perform including Hacken, twins, kenny, Ho Wun See, Miriam, Jade, Niki... etc....Hacken is so kind, he assured me not to be nervous and that I was doing well. He's so kind hearted and I think the industry is blessed to have such a kind soul as his. I worked with 3 other experienced MC's whom I think are capable to talk their way out of anything...and I mean ANYTHING! lol. Their tongues can open a wine bottle! heh heh!

The highlight of the night besides the fact that this was for charity, I wore a Loewe gown and wore a set of diamond earrings and ring, weighing over 8 carats and worth more than $315,000 hkd. I felt like a princess...

| 各位好!!!!!!上周六我主持了”慈善星輝仁濟夜”晚會,十分有趣和值得。我訪問了機構資助的兩位老紳士,跟他們聊機構如何改變他們的生活,當晚我們還籌得了許多善款給需要幫助的人。新老許多著名歌手都到場表演,有李克勤、Twins、關智斌、何韻詩、楊千嬅、關心妍、周麗淇…等等…李克勤人非常好,他告訴我別緊張,說我做得很好。他真的很好心,我認為娛樂圈有他這樣的人是幸事。我與3名非常有經驗的司儀合作,他們都能出口成章…我指對任何事! Lol他們的舌頭都能開酒瓶了!呵呵!


But I swear I was freaking out that I would lose this set.....my daddy was my bodyguard after the show to ensure we didn't get robed! lol. This photo was shot after the show in our own private MC room.....how posh! lol. Thanks Ana (my other partner MC) for holding the camera! My only regret that night was that we didn't get a chance to shoot a photo with all 4 MC's!  It's one of my traditions that I do everytime I do a big show.  Oh well, next time! 


| 但我穿得小心翼翼,很怕遺失…演出結束後爸爸一直充當我的保鏢,保護珠寶不被搶掉! lol這張照片是演出結束後在私人司儀室裏拍的…多奢華! lol謝謝Ana(我的司儀搭檔)拍下這張!唯一的遺憾是沒有找齊4個司儀拍合影!每次我有大的演出都有這習慣。好吧,下次見!


about 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
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wow cool. you look great! ask your dad to take some pics of you during the show next time.
about 17 years ago
about 17 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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