Hey Guys!
I'm currently back in Hong Kong after a long stint in Hawaii, Tokyo, Chicago, & Toronto . I've missed all of you, sorry it's been crazy busy these days! I was stuck in Chicago for an extra 10 hours due to the hurricane and have never flewn in so many places in such a short time span. I'm surprised to say that I'm used to it by now, once I landed in HK I grabbed my phone and rang up my manager to see what was next on my agenda. I had a few meetings, Bossini fashion show, Wai Yin Charity event since the few day's I've been back. It feels so great to back in the game! =)
I visited Pearl Harbor and took some photos of memorbility and items that were left behind by the fallen soilders.To understand and to feel what the soilders were feeling before the surprised bombing attack that led to the American's participation in World War 2 was eerie and I felt a bit sick to my stomach. For a girl that loves military and antique collectables, I didn't enjoy reading about the lives of the people that owned these items though...it was sad and close to home. Regardless, I didn't have much time as I had wanted to explore...I really wanted to visit the aviation museum and check out the cool planes but I'll have to settle for what I've learnt and saw this time until the next time around...
Enjoy!....| 嘿,朋友們!
剛剛結束最近在夏威夷、東京、芝加哥和多倫多的旅程,回到香港。想念你們,這些天太忙了,對不起!因為有颶風,我不得不在芝加哥多停留了10小時。從沒試過在如此短的時間內到這麽多地方。奇怪的是,現在我好象已經習慣了。一到香港機場,我就抓起電話打給經紀人,查看之後的日程安排。回來後的這些天開了一些會,參加了Bossini的時裝表演和Wai Yin慈善活動。回到工作中的感覺真好! =)
| 嘿,朋友们!
刚刚结束最近在夏威夷、东京、芝加哥和多伦多的旅程,回到香港。想念你们,这些天太忙了,对不起!因为有飓风,我不得不在芝加哥多停留了10小时。从没试过在如此短的时间内到这么多地方。奇怪的是,现在我好象已经习惯了。一到香港机场,我就抓起电话打给经纪人,查看之后的日程安排。回来后的这些天开了一些会,参加了Bossini的时装表演和Wai Yin慈善活动。回到工作中的感觉真好! =)
Admiral's belongings...
| 艦隊司令的隨身物品…
| 舰队司令的随身物品…
Purple Heart
for Bravery & a clock that belonged to
Captain Thomas Kirkpatrick
(Chaplain Corps) recovered from the
USS Arizona. The time that the clocked stopped at was the time of the bombing...
| 船長Thomas
Kirkpatrick (Chaplain Corps)的隨身物品:象征勇敢的紫色之心和一個鬧鐘(由亞利桑那的美國軍艦打撈出來)。現在鬧鐘顯示的是它停止的那一刻,正是空襲的時間…
| 船长Thomas
Kirkpatrick (Chaplain Corps)的随身物品:象征勇敢的紫色之心和一个闹钟(由亚利桑那的美国军舰打捞出来)。现在闹钟显示的是它停止的那一刻,正是空袭的时间…
in war: Letters and presents sent to their mothers on Mother's Day. The writing style made the boys seem so young...
| 戰爭中的兄弟:這是母親節兄弟倆寄給媽媽的信和禮物,這封信充滿童真…
| 战争中的兄弟:这是母亲节兄弟俩寄给妈妈的信和礼物,这封信充满童真…
This must be the saddest way of knowing your boy was killed in action. Gawd!
I didn't feel too good reading this telegraph...
I hope all of you are doing well and letting those around you how much they are loved & appreciated!
| 因為在空襲中犧牲才被人們認識,真是令人感傷。上帝!讀到這段我很難受…
| 因为在空袭中牺牲才被人们认识,真是令人感伤。上帝!读到这段我很难受…
Until Next time!
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Aimee| 下次见!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED