Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Planet Earth : A $2 Million Production | 行星地球:兩百萬的大制作

Hi All!

My day was nice, I just had some dinner with some friends that I haven't seen in a while. =) I forgot to bring my souvenirs for them, next time...

I had a TVB Pearl press conference for a new program  that they're going to broadcast soon. You guys HAVE to watch it, we had a 10 minutes glimpse and it was incredible. It's called Planet Earth. It's a documentary type program that showcases places around the world including natural scenery and wildlife in their most natural habitats. Thousands of wild sea turtles & tropical fish from the warmer climate areas to sting groups of sting rays and hundreds of dolfins surfacing. To thousands of penguins living amoungst eachother and snow top mountains.  The entire production took over 4 years  & over $2 million hkd to create. They went over 200 different places and have won numerous awards including Best Photography etc. You can see rare flowers and plant life grow at fast forward speed and wildlife chasing their prey across vast empty lands to fill their empty stomachs. It's complete close encounters, it's amazing!

What was awsome was that becuase I just got back from Hawaii, I know how HARD it is to be able to see such LARGE schools of wildlife or catch them catching prey etc. I went snorkeling for a few hours and saw ONE wild sea turtle, a few tropical fishes, a baby shark and vast amounts of sea plants...boy what I saw compared to what was captured on film for this program is unbeatable! I can't wait until it comes out starting September 10th,  Every Tuesday @ 8:30 pm. TVB PEARL.  | 大家好!


今天參加了TVB明珠臺為一部即將推出的系列片舉辦的新聞發布會。你們一定要看,我看了10分鐘的剪輯,實在太棒了。這部系列片叫 "行星地球",是反映地球各地的自然風貌以及野生動物棲息地的紀錄片。你能看到數以萬計的野生海龜和熱帶魚成群結隊從熱帶地區遊來,海面上幾百只海豚,數千只企鵝擠在一起在很高的雪山上生活的場景。整個劇集的拍攝耗費了4年時間,花費超過2百萬港幣。在世界200個地區發行,贏得了最佳攝影等無數獎項。你還能看到非常稀有的花朵和植物用快進速度播放的生長歷程,野生動物在遼闊的大地上追逐捕食獵物,近距離的捕食戰鬥,令人大開眼界!


| 大家好!


今天参加了TVB明珠台为一部即将推出的系列片举办的新闻发布会。你们一定要看,我看了10分钟的剪辑,实在太棒了。这部系列片叫" 行星地球",是反映地球各地的自然风貌以及野生动物栖息地的纪录片。你能看到数以万计的野生海龟和热带鱼成群结队从热带地区游来,海面上几百只海豚,数千只企鹅挤在一起在很高的雪山上生活的场景。整个剧集的拍摄耗费了4年时间,花费超过2百万港币。在世界200个地区发行,赢得了最佳摄影等无数奖项。你还能看到非常稀有的花朵和植物用快进速度播放的生长历程,野生动物在辽阔的大地上追逐捕食猎物,近距离的捕食战斗,令人大开眼界!


somes photos from the poster...

| 一些海報畫面… | 一些海报画面…

Excuse the poor photo quality...the actual program will be shown with High Definition ...can you imagine how detailed the scales on a rare fish would LOOK!???

That 10 minute glimpse was totally the highlight of my day!


| 請原諒差勁的照片畫面質量…這部劇集是高分辨率的…你知道能看到多麽豐富詳盡的珍稀魚類嗎!??? 那10分鐘的節目剪輯是我今天最棒的收獲!


  | 请原谅差劲的照片画面质量…这部剧集是高分辨率的…你知道能看到多么丰富详尽的珍稀鱼类吗!???那10分钟的节目剪辑是我今天最棒的收获!


over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that picture of the shark is so awesome. i was talking with a guy last night who went diving in a shark cage off south africa... crazy!
over 17 years ago
Speaking of diving in a shark cage, I wanted to do that while I was in Hawaii, but I couldn't muster the nerve to do that yet so I opted for sky diving...but we didn't have time! =( next time...
over 17 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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