Hot hot HOT!
The chili peppers ofcoarse! =)
This was when I was in Shanghai doing a promotion tour for Raymond Weil watches. We went to 4 different cities within a short time span and tried different local dishes. It was apparent to view the difference in culture/local life through local dishes even if the cities are right beside eachother. This place was known for it's spicy hot dishes, everything was mad HOT! I think they want to emphasize that because we found this barrel of red hot chili peppers in the front of the restaurant (They're not real.) Had to take a photo. Reminded me of an old Jacky Chan movie where he stuffed red peppers in his mouth so that he can fight better.
| 辣辣辣!
| 辣辣辣!
These appetizers were from another restaurant in another city. Those bunnies make everything fun to eat! The dish on the left are simply doughnuts with no sugar to them, I thought krispy Kreme is better.| 這些美食是另一個城市的另一家餐館的,那些小兔子造型增加了品嘗樂趣,左邊是很簡單的無糖面包圈,我覺得krispy Kreme的更好吃。
| 这些美食是另一个城市的另一家餐馆的,那些小兔子造型增加了品尝乐趣,左边是很简单的无糖面包圈,我觉得krispy Kreme的更好吃。
Running your hands from this baby's head to tail will give you good luck for the rest of year.| 把這只小獸從頭摸到腳會帶給你一年的好運。
| 把这只小兽从头摸到脚会带给你一年的好运。
This if I can remember correctly is an ancient queens private temple where the she comes to pray (please correct me if I'm wrong). Sorry couldn't get a closer shot but it's a blocked site as well as there were so many people blocking the door also taking photos. I had to push my way to the front to shoot this one.
I had some goofy ones but I don't want them published in tommrow's newspaper, haa haa. so sorry,
More later! cheers!! xo
以後貼更多上來!開心!! xo
| 没记错的话,这是一位古代皇后的私有庙宇,她时常来烧香(如果错了请纠正我)。对不起没有拍近景,这里不对外开放,但还是挤满了人拍照。我只能尽量往前拍了这张。
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED