A l o h a !
I'm back in Honolulu Island in Hawaii today... We were able to take a drive down to Wakiki beach & the Beach Walk boutiques area after we had dinner at Roy's (delicious fusion food!) the other day. Here are some interesting photos I was able to shoot. There was a street performer that did amazing basketball tricks, I wished I had shot it with my video camera but I was too mesmerized to pull it out...Check out the Amazing Blaze shot instead and R2-D2 Postal box photo below for all you star wars fans...!
今天回到了夏威夷的火奴魯魯…昨天在Roy餐廳(美味的國際混合菜!)晚飯之後,我們開車去了Wakiki海灘,在沙灘附近的小店區散步。下面是我拍的一些有趣的照片。有個人在街頭表演很厲害的花式籃球,我本想用攝像機拍下來,但象被催眠般的關掉了機器…那就看這張很棒的Blaze照片代替,星球大戰的粉絲們來看R2-D2郵箱…!| 欢迎!
Put a couple $ Dollars intoThe Famous Blaze box and you'll have him moonwalking and blazing to old school Disco tunes of Micheal Jackson's era! He was cool but made everyone a bit nervous when he moved up close!
| 放兩個美金在這個著名的Blaze盒子裏,就能欣賞到他的太空步,帶你重溫Micheal Jackson時代的老式校園Disco!他很酷,只要一靠近別人,就能讓那人緊張起來!| 放两个美金在这个著名的Blaze盒子里,就能欣赏到他的太空步,带你重温Micheal Jackson时代的老式校园Disco!他很酷,只要一靠近别人,就能让那人紧张起来!
omg , when I saw this at the corner of Beach Walk I freaked out ...How cool is that!?
More soon...
Cheers! xoxo
| 我的天,當我散步到街角時看到這個郵箱時震驚了…多酷啊!?
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED