Hello Everyone!
I will try to be good to update as much as possible! I've been quite busy lately so lots to share!
But first off,
I've been keeping up with the news of the earthquake and it really breaks my heart...It makes me feel so lucky that we're simply alive. (alive not dead - dark humor) To see those who struggle for life days on end to stay alive and to not give up, makes me feel so very proud that we have such strong human role models. It teaches us to fight to find the light in our darkest hour and that the simple daily things that we complain about like, materialistic items, comparing with others....and things I hear often from others that they're not, "skinny enough", "rich enough", "popular enough" makes my head swarm. We should stop and sit back and just be happy and appreciative that we DO have ENOUGH. We're alive, healthy and have a warm future ahead of us to experience what the world has to offer.
I remember sitting in front of my t.v. last night watching the news and it talked of a 11 year old girl jumping from a window and going back into the rumble to help her teacher and classmates. She fractured her leg and was finally reunited with her mother after a few days but unfortunatly learnt that her father past away. She stayed so strong and looked into the camera to encourage other children to stay strong. I get teary just thinking of her guys....
An 11 year old, a girl that has gone through so much had the ability to stay strong and to speak with such encourgement to others is overwhelming. There are those that are older than her might not be able to find words to say but just cry. I think this young girl is amazing and her words were quite powerful and encourging.
We are very blessed to be here, appreciate your loved ones and cherish your every breathing second. Time is something that cannot be turned back.
Sending all my love to you and your loved ones,
and to those who have lost their loved ones: know that you have a world of family sending you good blessing and well wishes.
Much love,
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED