Hi all !
I just got back from TVB for a production meeting to go over our new scrīpt for tommorow's charity show /commemorating HK's 10 year anniversary being held at HK Coliseum. This is the second time I will be MC'ing there but I still get a rush since that's where my entire MHK adventure began! I'm quite excited to be MC'ing alongside DoDo and Patrick, they're such naturals with a memory that can make the computer look like a dud. =) DoDo is still as gorgeous as ever, I would love to look the way she does when I get to her age!
I'm dying for a cup of starbucks right now (I'm a HUGE starbucks fan), but I'll give that up for a couple of hours of sleep
for now =)
Stay Tuned. . .
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED