Akira Koieyama
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Street Fighter Assassin's Fist. Kickstarter campaign.

Hello everyone ! my next project is on the way and we need support from everyone to make this film . please visit kickstarter and check  Street fighter assassin's fist campaign and Let's make this epic film together !!!僕の次回出演予定の”ストリートファイター 暗殺拳”が、制作の協力を募る事になりました。壮大な武道家たちの人生を描くこの作品にどうぞ協力してください。詳しくは、kickstarter のウェブサイトで、street fighter asassin's fist と入れてください。内容は、日本語でも記されています。どうぞよろしく御願いいたします。

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1689785997/street-fighter-assassins-fist-kickstarter-campaign Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAlJyj4EGW0

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
awesome. who will you play???
接近 12 年 ago
Photo 23537
Thanks for the coment , I will play Goken who is master of Ryu and Ken .
接近 12 年 ago
Photo 402234
Very cool Akira-san!!
接近 12 年 ago
Photo 23537
Exciting News! Update #7 · Apr 17, 2013 · 14 comments We've got some very exciting news to announce. Although the KickStarter campaign has built a little slowly it has brought a couple of supporters to us who really love what we are trying to do. In fact they love it so much they are going to back us with the money we need to get started. So we are pleased to announce that we look like we are good to go, and our vision of a Street Fighter series made by fans for fans will happen. So we'd like to thank everyone who has pledged. Your support has been amazingly encouraging, and we really feel that without you we'd not be where we are. So we've taken the decision not to delay getting on with things, by letting the campaign run, and we are going to withdraw the project. It also means that you, our friends, will not have to dig into your own pockets to help us out, much as we know you were happy to do so. Your pledges will be cancelled. Most of the rewards we've published will be available later through commercial channels, so DVDs, t-shirts and books will still be available to you at some point. We really want you to keep in touch so please check out our Facebook page, and website regularly. We'll have some more cast announcements shortly which we think you'll love and of course even more news as we start filming. Thanks again you've been brilliant supporters and in a very real way have made it all happen. Love, hugs and Shoryukens to you all!
接近 12 年 ago



english, japanese
April 27, 2007