Official Artist
Alan Wai
Actor , Sports
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My new website!

Being an actor ain't easy.  Being an IBC (Irish born Chinese - Jackie Chan once called me that, don't cha know! ) actor in Ireland certainly doesn't make anything lighter for you. How often would an Irish production require a Chinese guy these days??? I have been fortunate enough to be working (on and off) in the industry for the past five years, gained some valuable experience. Although I have not yet had that role which I can say I'm completely satisfied with. There has been the few I've really enjoyed & had fun playing, but not yet the role where I could honestly say I can treasure for years to come. But that's the beauty of being an actor, always (given the opportunity) able to challenge yourself for the greater goal & achievement. So here I am five years on and haven't given up on the dream (you be surprised how many actors I've trained with had moved on to another career) for bigger & better things to come.

But more to the point of this entry.  I figured to be more a serious actor in this industry, one has to seriously promote themselves.  Hence I got myself my very own website now.  It's still a work-in-progress, but never the less it's something to show.  So please feel free to visit the following link & let me know what you think.


Peace & Best Wishes, Alan

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese
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Hong Kong
Member Since
June 11, 2008