I am pleas
ed to an
nounce that a recent project I have been involved in,
the documentary film titled
, has finally completed post-produc
tion and will be re
very soon.
The project was financed by Hong Kong entrep reneur, Vi ncent Lo Hong-Shui. A s a practitione r of the art of Wing Chun himself and also the grand student of the legendary Ip Man, in m aking this documentary was something close to his heart and he entrusted th is very task to the expertise and vision of talen ted director, Seamus Walsh.
I was brought on board as a performer for the drama sc e nes on camera within the documentary, and also be hind the scenesas an assistan t fight coordina tor .
h I have trained in numerous different styles of marti
al arts before, I have never
practiced Wing Chun. Being involved in the proj
ect ga
ve me
the opportunity to gain some valuable knowledge and personal training from one of the most resp
ected Wing Chun master a
nd all
-round nice guy, Sifu Lui Ming Fai.
Sifu L
ui handled
all the Wing Chun combat sce
within the documentary, I was responsible for
the a
ction t
hat unfolds
in the
drama scenes.
Stay tuned for up-coming blogs with some behin d the scenes i n filming this documen tary. But for now , I will leave you with the official trailer to the document aryfilm, . Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY5NDMwMzcy.html#replyLocation
will prem iere at Lin g nan Tiandi in Foshan , China on 21st November 2012.
For more in
formation on the
highly sk
illed and amazing person that is Sifu Lui, and of
his Wing Chun lessons, please check out the link below
Si fu L ui Ming Fai's official website
Pea ce & Best Wishes,