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Hard rock and nakedness | 搖滾及裸露

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WARNING: Nakedness, jollity, and kick butt PUNK ROCK ahead!

[alive not dead], Diesel, and a whole slew of [alive not dead] artists and friends celebrated the arrival of famed photographer Terry Richardson in Hong Kong at our third artist event. What proceeded was a really memorable night for all involved and we wanted to share some of the night's festivities with our [alive not dead] members.

Terry Richardson's photography includes work for top fashion brands and magazines, noted stars such as Jessica Alba, Jay-Z, and Lindsay Lohan, and an infamous collection featuring himself in the buff. He has wrought both controversy and fascination along the way to becoming one of the world's most respected AND provocative photographers. Along with Diesel and [alive not dead], Terry debuted his latest collection "From Rio to Hong Kong" as we celebrated the third event of the Diesel and [alive not dead] BRAVE artist series.

Daniel Wu, Lisa S., and many, many of Hong Kong's artist community arrived to greet famed photographer Terry Richardson to Hong Kong. (video by Etchy)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCHTB4w0R8k

Terry's latest collection "From Rio to Hong Kong" filled with fascinating photos, is now open to the public. If you're in Hong Kong, over 18 years old, and are not afraid of LOTS OF NUDITY, be sure to check it out! (photo by ivy17)

Rosanne and Race Wong of 2R get a snapshot with Terry, both clothed and in the buff. (photo by Race Wong)

After the photo exhibition, artists headed upstairs for a packed, private concert by bands featured on [alive not dead]: Beijing rock band My Love Puzzle, fun-punk group Hardpack, and heavy metal favorites Qiu Hong. The crowd went crazy to Qiu Hong's performance as an area opened up in the middle of the floor and revellers began moshing.

My Love Puzzle, Hardpack, and Qiu Hong bring down the house at the [alive not dead] private concert for artists. (video by Etchy) Video:


Terry Richardson has spent the week in Hong Kong shooting photos of many of Hong Kong's artists for a collection to come out next year including film legend  Gordon Liu and [alive not dead] artists He Jingde and Philip Ng.

Be sure to check out Terry's collection at BRAVE in Hong Kong! Also, for more info about the special night, check out the list of blogs and news articles about the event.

Thanks to all of the artists who were able to take part in our unforgettable event. Special thanks to Federico and all of the organizers at Diesel. Extra special thanks to Terry Richardson,  My Love Puzzle, Hardpack, and Qiu Hong for helping to make such a great night for artists in Hong Kong.


[alive not dead]、Diesel及[alive not dead]許多藝術家和好友齊聚一堂,共同慶祝世界著名攝影師Terry Richardson在香港舉辦攝影展,這是我們組織的藝術家活動系列之三。絕對是個值得紀念的夜晚,我們在此跟各位分享盛況。

Terry Richardson的攝影作品囊括世界頂級時裝廠牌和著名雜誌,展出的作品中有明星傑西卡•阿爾芭、Jay-Z和林賽•洛翰,及他聲名在外的的自拍作品。他是世界上最具個性、魅力非凡、倍受推崇的名攝影師。作為Diesel和[alive not dead]共同舉辦的藝術家活動BRAVE系列之三,Terry首次香港影展名為"From RIO to Hong Kong"。

當晚 吳彥祖Lisa S和許多香港名流都前來為Terry Richardson攝影展撐場(Etchy拍攝的視頻)。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCHTB4w0R8k Terry最新影展"From RIO to Hong Kong"中有許多精美絕倫的作品,現已對公眾開放。如果你身在香港,年齡超過18歲,不怕看許多裸體,請前往觀賞!( ivy17拍攝的照片)。

2R組合 黃婉君黃婉伶跟Terry在他的裸體照前合影(黃婉伶拍攝的照片)。

參觀完攝影展後,藝術家們在樓上參加了由[alive not dead]社區樂隊獻唱的私人演唱會:北京搖滾 "迷"樂隊,fun-朋克組合Hardpack及重金屬迷們的最愛 "秋紅"樂隊。當"秋紅"在開放式場地中央表演時現場陷入瘋狂,人群騷動起來。

"迷"樂隊Hardpack"秋紅"為藝術家們奉獻了震撼現場的[alive not dead]私人演唱會(Etchy拍攝的視頻)。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7napfXAokY Terry Richardson要在香港停留一周時間,為他明年出版的影集給不少藝術家拍照。其中就有香港傳奇人物 劉家輝、[alive not dead]藝術家 賀敬德伍允龍

一定要去看Terry在香港舉辦的BRAVE影展!想要了解更多盛況,請查看 以下博客及相關報道

感謝所有出席的藝術家,跟我們一起見證這次難忘的活動。尤其要感謝Diesel的Federico及所有組織者,特別鳴謝Terry Richardson"迷"樂隊Hardpack"秋紅",你們的幫助成就了這個偉大夜晚!

[alive not dead]、Diesel及[alive not dead]许多艺术家和好友齐聚一堂,共同庆祝世界著名摄影师Terry Richardson在香港举办摄影展,这是我们组织的艺术家活动系列之三。绝对是个值得纪念的夜晚,我们在此跟各位分享盛况。

Terry Richardson的摄影作品囊括世界顶级时装厂牌和著名杂志,展出的作品中有明星杰西卡·阿尔芭、Jay-Z和林赛·洛翰,及他声名在外的的自拍作品。他是世界上最具个性、魅力非凡、倍受推崇的名摄影师。作为Diesel和[alive not dead]共同举办的艺术家活动BRAVE系列之三,Terry首次香港影展名为” From RIO to Hong Kong”。

当晚 吴彦祖Lisa S和许多香港名流都前来为Terry Richardson摄影展撑场(Etchy拍摄的视频)。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCHTB4w0R8k Terry最新影展” From RIO to Hong Kong”中有许多精美绝伦的作品,现已对公众开放。如果你身在香港,年龄超过18岁,不怕看许多裸体,请前往观赏!( ivy17拍摄的照片)。

2R组合 黄婉君黄婉伶跟Terry在他的裸体照前合影(黄婉伶拍摄的照片)。

参观完摄影展后,艺术家们在楼上参加了由[alive not dead]社区乐队献唱的私人演唱会:北京摇滚”迷”乐队,fun-朋克组合Hardpack及重金属迷们的最爱”秋红”乐队。当”秋红”在开放式场地中央表演时现场陷入疯狂,人群骚动起来。

迷”乐队Hardpack”秋红”为艺术家们奉献了震撼现场的[alive not dead]私人演唱会(Etchy拍摄的视频)。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7napfXAokY Terry Richardson要在香港停留一周时间,为他明年出版的影集给不少艺术家拍照。其中就有香港传奇人物 刘家辉、[alive not dead]艺术家 贺敬德伍允龙

一定要去看Terry在香港举办的BRAVE影展!想要了解更多盛况,请查看 以下博客及相关报道

感谢所有出席的艺术家,跟我们一起见证这次难忘的活动。尤其要感谢Diesel的Federico及所有组织者,特别鸣谢Terry Richardson”迷”乐队Hardpack”秋红”,你们的帮助成就了这个伟大夜晚!

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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006