Official Artist
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Our small community of artists is no longer so small.

This week (July 1st to be exact), alivenotdead.com celebrated the passing of two major milestones: We signed up our 100,000th registered member AND the the first time we signed up 1,000+ new members in a single day.  We started the site in April 2007 with very basic features and six official artists and a little over a year later we now have a large and vocal community helping to support the 600+ artists who comprise the Official Artists pool on alivenotdead.com.

Coinciding with passing the milestone, many of the alivenotdead.com team and artists participated in the Let's Fight Round 3 concert celebrating many of Hong Kong's best rockers such as Paul Wong, 24 Herbs, Mavis Fan and 100%, Josie HoAudiotraffic, Solerand more. It was a really special event for us because the official launch of alivenotdead.com also coincided with the first Let's Fight concert a year ago and played an important role in helping to grow our community. If you didn't attend the event, you can check out the extensive coverage by alivenotdead.com members in the "Related pictures" and "Related blogs" section of the Let's Fight page. This uses the new "Related Events" feature that let's members like you upload event photos and blogs and lets everyone else who attended the event check out your stuff.

In any case, thanks to everyone for helping to expand our ever-growing family and we hope that we can continue to fulfill on our promise of helping unite everyone to support our family of artists.

Do you like the bands and singers that performed at Let's Fight like 24 Herbs, Josie Ho, and Audiotraffic? Be sure to help support them by buying their latest CDs, t-shirts, and more in the alivenotdead.com Store.

Admin Bear wants you to check out the latest CDs from 24 Herbs, Josie Ho, Audiotraffic and more in the alivenotdead.com Store



與我們的裏程碑不謀而合,alivenotdead.com團隊及許多藝術家在這一天參與了Let's Fight Round 3演唱會,這個演唱會齊聚了香港最棒的搖滾歌手和樂隊,有黃貫中24 Herbs範曉萱和100%、何超儀AudiotrafficSoler等。這對我們也有特殊意義,因為alivenotdead.com正式運營之初,通過和第一次Let's Fight演唱會合作,推動了社區的快速成長。如果你沒有參加這個活動,可以到Let's Fight活動查看alivenotdead.com用戶們發布的活動”相關圖片”和”相關博客”。用戶在建立”博客”、”相冊”時選擇參與的”活動”,上傳活動相冊和博客,就能與其他參與者共同分享了。


你喜歡在Let's Fight中演出的24 Herbs何超儀Audiotraffic等樂隊及歌手嗎?請一定要支持他們,購買他們的最新CD、T恤及更多發布在alivenotdead.com線上商店的精美商品。


有24 Herbs、何超儀和Audiotraffic及更多藝術家作品。



与我们的里程碑不谋而合,alivenotdead.com团队及许多艺术家在这一天参与了Let's Fight Round 3 演唱会,这个演唱会齐聚了香港最棒的摇滚歌手和乐队,有黄贯中24 Herbs范晓萱和100%、何超仪AudiotrafficSoler等。这对我们也有特殊意义,因为alivenotdead.com正式运营之初,通过和第一次Let's Fight演唱会合作,推动了社区的快速成长。如果你没有参加这个活动,可以到Let's Fight活动页面查看alivenotdead.com用户们发布的活动”相关图片”和”相关博客”。用户在建立”博客”、”相册”时选择参与的”活动”,上传活动相册和博客,就能与其他参与者共同分享了。


你喜欢在Let's Fight中演出的24 Herbs何超仪Audiotraffic等乐队及歌手吗?请一定要支持他们,购买他们的最新CD、T恤及更多发布在alivenotdead线上商店的精美商品。


有24 Herbs、何超仪和Audiotraffic及更多艺术家作品。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool photo!
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
hey, did he pay for that hat?!?
over 16 years ago
Photo 56846
yeah, congrats! very nice
over 16 years ago
Photo 34291
Wow~ Congrats!! This is so cool~ Especially being one of the "most popular member" for this community... *blush* *blush* Such an honour! ;-)
over 16 years ago
Georgeshaw 63 georgeshaw
That's great to hear the site is doing so well in it's second year! When will there be a big event in LA?
over 16 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 13, 2006
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