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Browse through 12,000 members on Alive Not Dead | 慶祝Alive Not Dead註冊會員突破12000人!| 庆祝Alive Not Dead注册会员突破12000人!

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We've launched a new section on Alive Not Dead, our Members area. This is to celebrate our 12,000 members who have created profiles on Alive Not Dead since our re-launch three months ago. Congratulations to everyone on helping to grow and build our thriving community of artists and fans! You can make our community closer knit by checking out the Members area now and browsing through our Most popular, Newest, and Most Recently Updated members. You can also find people with similar interests, hobbies, favorite movies or books. Just go to your "About Me" page and click on one of the links to search for people with similar tastes. For instance, here are people living in Hong Kong, fans of "The Heavenly Kings", and members into martial arts. We hope to improve these features over time to make it even easier to search and find like-minded members across our community.

As our community grow larger, it's important for us to make sure that we're all blogging safely. We're testing a new feature and we'd like you to help us test it out.

You can now assign permissions to each of your blog entries and photo albums. Do you have a blog entry that contains news that you prefer to only share with your friends? You can tag it as "Viewable by friends only" and only your friends on Alive Not Dead will see the entry. Artists: Perhaps you only want to offer photos from your most recent concert to your fans? You can label a photo album as "Viewable by fans only". This will help expand your fanbase and make your existing fans feel special for having access to fan-only material.

An example "viewable by friends-only" entry...

IMPORTANT:The entry's title will still be visible to the public and, if it's a photo album, the cover photo will appear to the public. The body of the entry and any interior photos will remain hidden using the permission settings you have specified. Available settings are viewable by "anyone", by "registered members only", by "friends and fans only", or by "friends only".

Again, thanks everyone for helping us reach 12,000 members and go forth and blog safely!**** 為慶祝Alive Not Dead運行3個月突破12000名註冊會員,我們剛剛開放了新的 會員區。感謝各位幫助我們成長,努力為社區添磚加瓦的藝術家和粉絲們!社區成員之間的聯系可以通過”會員區”變得更緊密:你可以在這裏查看 ”最受歡迎的會員””新加入會員”以及 ”最近更新的blog”,認識更多人。你還能通過一個新功能找到與你有類似興趣、愛好、最愛電影或書籍的同好:只需在你”關於我”的頁面上,點擊你自己寫的愛好、興趣、喜愛中的任意一個鏈接,就能看到跟你有同樣愛好的會員列表。比如,可以是 ”住在香港的人””《四大天王》粉絲”或者 ”功夫片愛好者”等等。我們希望這些功能讓你更容易找到社區裏思想相近的會員。


你現在把所有的blog和相冊都對外公開,有沒有blog只想和好朋友分享的?如果你把這個blog標記為”只給好友看”,那麽就只有Alive Not Dead社區裏你的好友能看到這篇blog了。藝術家們:最近演唱會的照片只想給你的粉絲們看?那麽把這個相冊標記為”只許粉絲查看”。這能幫你鞏固粉絲圈,現有的粉絲因為有特殊權限能跟你分享某些內容會覺得被重視。



为庆祝Alive Not Dead运行3个月突破12000名注册会员,我们刚刚开放了新的 会员区。感谢各位帮助我们成长,努力为社区添砖加瓦的艺术家和粉丝们!社区成员之间的联系可以通过”会员区”变得更紧密:你可以在这里查看 ”最受欢迎的会员””新加入会员”以及 ”最近更新的blog”,认识更多人。你还能通过一个新功能找到与你有类似兴趣、爱好、最爱电影或书籍的同好:只需在你”关于我”的页面上,点击你自己写的爱好、兴趣、喜爱中的任意一个链接,就能看到跟你有同样爱好的会员列表。比如,可以是 ”住在香港的人””《四大天王》粉丝”或者 ”功夫片爱好者”等等。我们希望这些功能让你更容易找到社区里思想相近的会员。


你现在把所有的blog和相册都对外公开,有没有blog只想和好朋友分享的?如果你把这个blog标记为”只给好友看”,那么就只有Alive Not Dead社区里你的好友能看到这篇blog了。艺术家们:最近演唱会的照片只想给你的粉丝们看?那么把这个相册标记为”只许粉丝查看”。这能帮你巩固粉丝圈,现有的粉丝因为有特殊权限能跟你分享某些内容会觉得被重视。



almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
gd to know there are 12k members~gambatte Admin bear and all heh
almost 17 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 13, 2006
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