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Daniel Wu and Biz Stone - Social Networkers!|吳彥祖 和 比兹·斯通, 社會性網絡者!| 吴彦祖 和 比兹·斯通, 社会性网络者!

We just wanted to share something for all of you not in Hong Kong.  Our co-founder, Daniel Wuis currently appearing in a series of ads for The Gap in Hong Kong (and around China too we assume) that has just launched.

Its part of their "Let's Gap Together"  campaign matching Western artists and influential people and their Eastern counterparts in some goodwill building ads.  Previous participants included Pharrell Williams and Angelababy,  Wing Shya and Annie Leibovitz,  and Usher and Jolin Tsai. 

Now we have Daniel Wu and Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone together:

By the way,  Biz Stone's twitter address is @biz

If you are in Hong Kong you can see the ads on the bus stop at Statue Square in Central:

The cool thing about these outdoor ads is that they are clear about why these two luminaries are together,  listing them as "Social Networkers".

At alive we take it as a huge honor that

alivenotdead.com and alive.cn would be considered in the same league as Twitter!!

Its also on the cover of Hong Kong's influential "Milk Magazine" this week:

Congrats to Daniel and thanks to GAP and Biz!

Update:  Some more coverage in Marketing Interactive Magazine:

(zoom for larger version)

Update 2: They have a video too!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQxMzIwMjQ0.html |你人不在香港的話,你就要看看這個咯. Gap的廣告現在香港滿街都是(我猜大陸也是吧), AnD創辦人之一 - 吳彥祖 Daniel Wu 帥帥的臉到處都看得到! "Let's Gap Together"  campaign 是時裝品牌Gap最新的宣傳活動. 他們找來一系列歐美的傑出人物, 又找來在亞洲地區一樣叮噹馬頭的名人,配對到一起一同拍照, 為品牌宣傳.之前參與的名人很多:Pharrell Williams和Angelababy,Wing Shya和Annie Leibovitz,還有Usher和蔡依林.現在吳彥祖配上Twitter創辦人之一的Biz Stone:

不說不知道,Bit Stone的Twitter就是 @biz.在香港皇后像廣場就有他們的廣告了![](/attachments/2012/08/23/15/1_201208231559411.thumb.jpg)

這廣告系列最酷了.你一看就知道他們倆爲什麽會配到一塊 ... 左上角就有標明他們兩個都是'社交網路者'.在AnD的同事都好高興!我們的 alivenotdead. comalive.cn, 跟Twitter被認為是同級數的事呢!!(我們沒差多遠啦...只差4億個用戶而已)他們還上了Milk的封面: 恭喜吳彥祖!也要感謝Gap和Biz Stone! Update:  Some more coverage in Marketing Interactive Magazine:

(zoom for larger version)

Update 2: They have a video too!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQxMzIwMjQ0.html| 你人不在香港的话,你就要看看这个咯. Gap的广告现在香港满街都是(我猜大陆也是吧), AnD创办人之一 - 吴彦祖 Daniel Wu 帅帅的脸到处都看得到"Let's Gap Together"  campaign 是时装品牌Gap最新的宣传活动. 他们找来一系列欧美的杰出人物, 又找来在亚洲地区一样叮噹马头的名人,配对到一起一同拍照, 为品牌宣传.之前参与的名人很多:Pharrell Williams和Angelababy,Wing Shya和Annie Leibovitz,还有Usher和蔡依林.现在吴彦祖配上Twitter创办人之一的Biz Stone:

不说不知道,Bit Stone的Twitter就是 @biz.在香港皇后像广场就有他们的广告了![](/attachments/2012/08/23/15/1_201208231559411.thumb.jpg)

这广告系列最酷了.你一看就知道他们俩爲什么会配到一块 ... 左上角就有标明他们两个都是'社交网路者'.在AnD的同事都好高兴!我们的 alivenotdead. comalive.cn, 跟Twitter被认为是同级数的事呢!!(我们没差多远啦...只差4亿个用户而已)他们还上了Milk的封面: 恭喜吴彦祖!也要感谢Gap和Biz Stone! Update:  Some more coverage in Marketing Interactive Magazine:

(zoom for larger version)

Update 2: They have a video too!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQxMzIwMjQ0.html|We just wanted to share something for all of you not in Hong Kong.  Our co-founder, Daniel Wuis currently appearing in a series of ads for The Gap in Hong Kong (and around China too we assume) that has just launched.

Its part of their "Let's Gap Together"  campaign matching Western artists and influential people and their Eastern counterparts in some goodwill building ads.  Previous participants included Pharrell Williams and Angelababy,  Wing Shya and Annie Leibovitz,  and Usher and Jolin Tsai. 

Now we have Daniel Wu and Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone together:

By the way,  Biz Stone's twitter address is @biz

If you are in Hong Kong you can see the ads on the bus stop at Statue Square in Central:

The cool thing about these outdoor ads is that they are clear about why these two luminaries are together,  listing them as "Social Networkers".

At alive we take it as a huge honor that

alivenotdead.com and alive.cn would be considered in the same league as Twitter!!

Its also on the cover of Hong Kong's influential "Milk Magazine" this week:

Congrats to Daniel and thanks to GAP and Biz!

Update:  Some more coverage in Marketing Interactive Magazine:

(zoom for larger version)

Update 2: They have a video too!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQxMzIwMjQ0.html

12 年多 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Great to see this finally out!
12 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
angel - in most of the series, the two people are touching each other in some way - http://advertising.chinasmack.com/2011/gap-clothing-and-usher-bring-freedom-to-china.html http://advertising.chinasmack.com/2012/lets-gap-together-campaign-rolls-out-again-in-china.html
12 年多 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006